Warm ups


Well-Known Member
18 August 2016
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After two years of hectic travel for work (me) and recovering from sarcoids (pony), we’re both sound, fit, and in the country long enough to start competing! He’s very green and hasn’t been to a competition since he was 2/3. He is quite reactive (especially to other horses) and verryyyyyy easily distracted. (As my instructor says, you can see his brain leave the room.) We have done arena hires etc and aside from finding the first few minutes very exciting, he’s fine.

So my biggest anxiety is warm ups - does anyone have any tips for how (if) I can prepare him in advance, and any tips for on the day? (I am not the bravest or most confident rider, and he is generally a very sweet, kind pony. Just gets very neighbourhood watch!)

We have our first outing next Saturday, with the one goal of riding him in the warm up ring and making that super calm. If we do the test afterwards, that’s just a bonus.


Well-Known Member
22 August 2020
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I took my youngster out just to the warm up for the first few outings, so I didn't have to worry about the test as well. I cleared it with the venue first. Make sure you know the rules of the warm up. Perhaps pop a green ribbon in his tail. I put green and red in , I still had people up his backside , but it may help. If you have a warm up routine at home it's best to stick to that. Once I realised I could dismount at any time and not do the test if I didn't want to was a psychological game changer for me, it took the pressure right off. Enjoy .


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27 February 2008
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Or if terrible in warm up, just take him out, go round car park then straight in to do test, at least you get to see boards as well then, even if low expectations.
just don’t let him get frightened in warm up if it’s busy.
if doing first class, you could always ask for early slot so not too busy


Well-Known Member
18 August 2016
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Thanks both! Will definitely do the ribbons in his tail, had forgotten about that. And yep, I’ll take the pressure off and just getting off if needed. Instructor is coming with me so she’ll be able to talk us through the actual warm up bit. And yep - if the warm up is crazy busy (which I’m hoping it won’t be as we’re the first class), then we’ll walk up and go straight in.