*WARNING RANT* Local show


Well-Known Member
9 April 2006
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and its not just all fun and games at £7 a class! to be judged by someone that isnt judging properly. and to be spoken to by the organiser the way we were it was disgraceful, i think its unfair their judges come from the yard that organises the show and knows the horses and riders that always seems to win.

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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£7 a class? Bit out of our league, we were charging £3.50-£4 last year which is pretty much the average around here.
We do our very best to make the show as professional and smooth running as possible, otherwise people wouldn't come each year, we introduce new classes to meet needs and wishes of the competitors. A few years back we introduced an 'absolute novice working hunter' class for ponies and horses, aimed specifically at people who had never tried it before with a judge who was primed to give constructive advice and told to disregard incorrect turnout. This was our most popular class, so many people have never had the opportunity to try a set of working hunter jumps and are put off giving it a go at a show where all the other competitors look so serious and daunting. In fact for many of them it was their first crack at any kind of ridden showing.
Riders and horses have to start somewhere. Our event would attract everything from the tiniest Shetland to Beanie Hughes and other advanced riders going round with youngsters.
My point is that this isn't a County show, nobody is being paid and we all work for the benefit of others and our chosen charities and organisations and on the day that is forgotton by most of the competitors. Those who remember and actually come and thank me for organising it give me a glow that lasts for days and is worth more than any financial compensation