Angus' yard
Well-Known Member
I deep litter on straw and I just pop in all muddy and they come out in the morning clean!! She must have employed a mud-fairy or something...
I deep litter on straw and I just pop in all muddy and they come out in the morning clean!! She must have employed a mud-fairy or something...
I hose them off before riding, and usually ride before putting him to bed. He's a thoroughbred with clipped legs and never had any issues like mud fever etc.
What do you all do regarding washing legs when your horses come in for the night with very muddy legs? I generally try and hose the worst off with the view that clean and wet is better than muddy and wet and that they will dry faster. I don't dry them off but will run a towel over the leg to soak off worst.
It depends on the horse. On a fine coated horse the legs might be wet to the skin in which case there's no harm in washing them off, but a horse with a lot of feather could easily be coated in mud and yet have dry skin underneath all the mud in which case it's better to leave it to dry off most days so you aren't wetting the legs unnecessarily. You can then give them a good wash and oil at weekend so you can give them a proper check over.
people who say dry the legs with towels - does this really work? I have never thought towelling gets them fully dry - perhaps I am just giving up too soon!
Does anyone know whether the thermatex leg wraps are better with the cordura covered outer, or without? To be left on all night.
Also, do they do a pretty good job of drying the legs? Rather than just trapping in the warm / damp conditions?