*waves* we're back from BSPS Champs and it was great! (But wet!)


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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Total rollercoaster! You will remember that the last state of affairs was evil ex rider child had cancelled stable at Peterborough and was being thoroughly obnoxious? Well, many people said to go and just have fun, and we did, but we kept it VERY quiet so nothing else could be sabotaged!

Due to set off on Tues am, farrier came on Monday evening and put shoe back on sore foot - sound horse!

So we went. Much hilarity packing, fitting one ned, 3 associated humans and all the gear in a pick up truck and trailer was suprisingly difficult and I was dreading the drive TBH - only really done about 60 mile round trips and this was 170 each way! Anyway, gear got stashed, much to YO's amusement - in the back being tied in with about 50 peices of coloured rope - looked like a mightily odd spiders web!

Off we went. Drive was fine, stopped half way to have a break and stuff pony full of biscuits. Only one lot of roadworks. Got there in good time, got stable and bedded ginger one down and gave her a massive haynet so she was fine! Then it was tent time... mwahahaha!

New and previously never seen before jockey arrived - Hiya Frankie if you are reading this, thanks a million!!! - and we got the tents set up. Much hilarity over my £15 bed in a box - 2 man (would have to be a VERY SHORT two men) tent, plus mat and air pillow and sleeping bag complete with no instructions... Sister had borrowed a bigger tent, and friend had an even bigger one! However, group of women managed to create tent village fine, complete with windbreaks and central "sitting and boozing" area...

That done, Frankie had a ride on Asti to see how they'd get on - she's a very nice rider, lovely quiet hands and knows how to use her legs, so got on absolutely fine with the ginger one. Rode her incredibly well straight away!

So Wednesday morning was the Working Hunter, and we had a warm up and - the ginger one was lame again - only VERY slightly - gave us a moment of mass panic however, she came right just before the class. It was slippy going so we studded her up, did a few practice fences and they just went in and got on with it! Frankie said jumping her was easy - just aim and fire! Anyway, they had 3 poles down which was a shame, but we realised when she came out that she'd lost a front shoe - the one with the bruised foot! So she did her show on 3 shoes. It was only much, much later that we found it - after several searches drew a blank - and we realised she'd lost it before jumping a single fence!

I have to say I was really chuffed with the way they went, for a brand new combination, and Frankie really, really did the horse proud. Will upload a video eventually... Didn't get placed, but she got really good confirmation marks, and had she not had the 3 poles down she would have certainly been placed, probably top 5.

The next 2 days were Show Hunter classes and she went very well again, excellent confirmation marks, but was obviously not the type the judges were looking for. Without being too biased, they seemed to favour the show pony types over the more old fashioned type of show hunter which was disappointing, but hey, we were about mid-class in them so by no means out of place.

It rained a lot. I got a lovely posh browband off sister and friend for my birthday - a really gorgeous pretty ponies one in burgundy and gold. Sister and I got bargain coats. Had a good wander, a pub meal, several soakings, a good time watching the evening performances - my god the Gold Cup classes fences were MASSIVE! And we stayed an extra day til Saturday as we were having a good time.

Frankie was a really lovely lass, got on really well with the ginger one and I hope she enjoyed it as much as we did. In fact Asti enjoyed it so much, whilst sister and friend went for last minute supplies for travelling home (drinks etc) I got Asti ready to load - put rug and boots on - and being a smart ars* hadn't tied her up as I NEVER need to - only for her to b*gger off at a gallop in her travelling boots, towards the stables! Little git!

Anyway, no incidents going home, drive was fine though I was rather knackered, and Asti got turned out and rolled happily in the mud, back to being a field kept pony!

Will put pics in the gallery, but here are my favourite 2


and with her finalist rosette



Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
Been waiting for this!

A big well done to all of you. That's what's called 'overcoming adversity'!

So glad you had a good time and didn't let your earlier troubles spoil it for you - and hope other rider came a purler too which would serve the little wench right; I'm not often malicious but she and her family really took the biscuit towards you and that wasn't fair in my book - mentally check folks, not to get wrong side of me!!

Bet you're all shattered now especially Asti who looks fantastic in the pic's. Be proud of her (and Frankie), they did you proud.


Well-Known Member
25 July 2006
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Haha you were very lucky with your tent janine, if it had rained loads you would have been rather wet i think!!!!!!

Asti is a super pony, a true allrounder and i hope her foal is just the same for you!

It was a good week, thanks for the ride and for all my lovely gifts!!!
(The chocolates went down a treat!

Thanks again!

Frankie x


Well-Known Member
29 September 2005
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Brilliant! I am so glad you stuck with it as the ned looks amazing and you sound like you totally suprised yourself and had a great time! xx


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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Ha Ha Ha evil child, oh how did she get on at her thing?

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you know, I haven't even asked! I quite honestly don't care! Show pony Asti is now back to mud-covered field kept Asti and we're off on a long distance ride on Sunday. Getting forms to join the local riding club, and hopefully getting some dressage and endurance under our belt, with ME riding!

Oh and Frankie - it hammered it down on Friday night when we stayed the extra night - and tent STILL didn't leak! Well other than the top and bottom of the air bed were damp where they had touched the tent sides. I stayed toasty and dry! Will admit to being VERY GLAD to see my bed on Saturday though! We had tea (takeaway, too knackered to shop and cook!) then I was alseep by 7pm, got up at 9pm to watch CSI and went back to bed and didn't get up til late on Sunday. Bliss!!!


Well-Known Member
10 October 2005
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What a great report! I am so pleased that you decided to go and had such a good time. Your ginger one looks gorgeous, and bless her for trying so hard with a lost shoe.


Well-Known Member
25 July 2006
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[/ QUOTE ]Oh and Frankie - it hammered it down on Friday night when we stayed the extra night - and tent STILL didn't leak! Well other than the top and bottom of the air bed were damp where they had touched the tent sides. I stayed toasty and dry! Will admit to being VERY GLAD to see my bed on Saturday though! We had tea (takeaway, too knackered to shop and cook!) then I was alseep by 7pm, got up at 9pm to watch CSI and went back to bed and didn't get up til late on Sunday. Bliss!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats a bit lucky then!!! I may have to get myself that package you got, for £15 it worked blimin well!!! The day after i got home i had a SJ lesson...skye was fat and lazy as she had been on the grass all week and hadnt been ridden since PUK!!!
No lie in for me!


Well-Known Member
10 July 2001
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She looks amazing, and Frankie you Skye is gorgeous to and the image of my old SHP/Worker – I think personally far too many show ponies in the SHP classes but never mind – you all did amazingly well!! Stick out tongue and fingers up to the evil brat!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
It sounds as if you had a good time. Looking at the pics Asti looks fabulous and the brat from hell must be very stupid to turn such an opportunity down, what a good rider the substitute turned out to be.
What goes around comes around so I doubt the first rider would have done very well on her own horse, I remember being furious on your behalf that anyone could let you down in such a way, so it's great you enjoyed yourself.
Annoying about the lost shoe as by the sound of things she would have done even better.
The tent sounds great, my son did a mountain bike/running 24 hour challenge the other day and he spent £7.50 on a disposable tent to change in, it rained cats and dogs throughout the night and although the inside stayed perfectly dry the noise of the rain drove him into his car for peace!
Enjoyed your report..


Well-Known Member
14 July 2001
N. Ireland
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So glad you finally made it after all your hassles, and hope you get the chance to rub the horrible child's nose in how well you did.


Well-Known Member
14 June 2004
North Yorks
*Manda jumps round room wildly flailing arms about and screaming her head off!*

Way to go. Sooo pleased you showed that nasty 'little girl' that she can't spoil your fun! Asti looks stunning and certainly no 'field' pony. Well done Frankie!

*Manda runs off to check out the gallery for piccies*


Well-Known Member
23 April 2006
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Really enjoyed hearing about your weekend, well done to the ginger one and fjudge for doing such a great job.

Will look forward to your report on the dressage in due course!