Very interesting to see the faults spread out around the course, lots of unexpected refusals!
The Producer needed a slap - too much crowd, sky, buildings, a dung heap shots, and not enough of the horses! There were 3 riders on course at a time and we'd only get to see 2 of them!
well Germany are in Gold as i thought but they are a full 32 penalties in front of GB!!!!! then in bronze 15 penalties behind us are the USA with Austrailia hot on their heels!
Very interesting to see the faults spread out around the course, lots of unexpected refusals!
The Producer needed a slap - too much crowd, sky, buildings, a dung heap shots, and not enough of the horses! There were 3 riders on course at a time and we'd only get to see 2 of them!
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But we can't blame BBC for they were using whatever the germans were filming, so we should blame the german camera crew/producer
i thought the course was really good, it caused a lot of stops at different fences so the riders had to concentrate the whole way round
i do think that some of the horses may have not had enough runs before hand and therefore a bit fresh (eg tamarillo and cavy also master monach)
although i do think as path finder mary should have been told to go long at the water especially as cavy is known to be quite cheeky and run out
well done to all the riders and lets hope they all sj well tomorrow (and the germans dont!!!!!)
well done to all the riders and lets hope they all sj well tomorrow (and the germans dont!!!!!)
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they've got a thing on the website asking some of the riders what they thought of the course(they've asked mostly the german riders, which is a bit silly since 4 of them are in the top 8, of course they probably like the course!)
wish they'd asked some of the riders who didn't make it round...