
Well-Known Member
22 July 2006
Kent, South East
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I have a 9 year old tb mare, she has had about 2 years off work due to a pelvis problem! This is now sorted and she is in good work, and jumping etc... in medium work. However she is living out in a field which hasn't got much grass in. Recently I have noticed a very rapid decline in weight, she is always going to look a bit skinny due to her breed but not this much!

At the moment she is gettin 1 scoop redi grass, 1 scoop mix, 1 scoop chaff, half scoop barley oats and then other supplements.

She is also getting about 2 haynets a day! I also need any help on muscle exercises to improve her muscle and conformation.

Is their any supplment to help their horses put on weight if so which one.


Well-Known Member
15 February 2004
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A rapid decline in weight would suggest a problem to me - teeth? Worming up to date? Injured without being obvious?

If you can eliminate any problems I would talk to a feed company about what they suggest. Even if you have a TB I don't agree with the statement "they will always look skinny". Yes they are fine animas
ls, but they can still look healthy, well muscled horses with a good covering - it just needs time and patience to get the feeding correct. I have a little TB and I swear by haylage and Bailey's topline cubes. I have been recommended recently to increase the oil in his feed so going to swop him onto Alfa A and possibly try Baileys Outshine which I've heard good things about. This is supposed to provide more slow-release energy but without fizz.


Well-Known Member
22 July 2006
Kent, South East
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Yes all her worming is up to date, and no signs of ill health! She has been kicked in the field, but has been checked by vet. completely sound and next week being turned out on her own, with hay nearly 24/7! Any supplements or feeds recomened.


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
If medically,physically and mentally she is fine then you need to look at your feed regime I think although I would possibly get a physio/chiro out to check her pelvis thoroughly; she might not be lame but she could be very sore and is being a soldier to carry on working for you.

I have had very good results with using Blue Chip as a balancer; this has all the vitamins and nutrients they need when given at recommended amounts so you won't need to add any other supplements. If you added that to your present feed you should notice a difference, but you could choose a conditioning cube like Bailey's TopLine too; together they should improve things very quickly. If she is finishing both haynets then is it possible to add another while the grass is so poor; if it's not there to start with she's not going to keep weight on is she?


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
If medically,physically and mentally she is fine then you need to look at your feed regime I think although I would possibly get a physio/chiro out to check her pelvis thoroughly; she might not be lame but she could be very sore and is being a soldier to carry on working for you. If everything is fine, then slow steady work in the correct way will improve her muscle tone as she gets fitter; it won't come unless she is fit and fed for the work she is doing.

I have had very good results with using Blue Chip as a balancer; this has all the vitamins and nutrients they need when given at recommended amounts so you won't need to add any other supplements. If you added that to your present feed you should notice a difference, but you could choose a conditioning cube like Bailey's TopLine too; together they should improve things very quickly. If she is finishing both haynets then is it possible to add another while the grass is so poor; if it's not there to start with she's not going to keep weight on is she?


Well-Known Member
25 July 2006
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Some horses just dont put on weight and condition easily. Feeding twice a day and giving pleanty of roughage (which you do) helps. How about something like a conditioning cubes? Topspec? Bluechip? Calm and conditioning cubes? There is a barley or something food that you mix with water and it is fantastic for weigh gain. Sorry cant remember exactly what its called!! But also, like others have said, if the condition isnt improving, get her checked out, or phone the vet and just explain your concerns. You could also speak to your local food stickist for advice. x