Well-Known Member
When I was asking about the dealer and vetting a month ago or so and then bought Anna few of you asked me to update when Anna arrived so here goes...
Well last Sat John Parker International delivered Anna to me out in Norway, and I can honestly say my cheeks hurt from smiling so much
She settled in with my other two like she has been here a lifetime, she is so easy to handle with manners to burn and is the most kind, gentle horse I have ever owned.
Anna is everything I had hoped for, I have not ridden her as I would like to build a little trust between us first, but I did lightly lunge her yesterday and she is amazing. I unclipped the lunge line at the end and thought I would let her run around a bit on the sand school, well she lunged (without the line) around me in walk trot and canter and back down again and even stood when asking with my voice... what an angel!
I am so happy I cried tears of happiness into her neck, owning my grey Ollie for 3 years has been full of battles both on the ground and on top (he is bolshy and difficult) and I lunged him before lunging her and what a difference... everything was all just so easy, I really have forgotten how uncomplicated some horses are
So I have decieded after trying everything with Ollie to give up trying to make him into what I want (which just is not working as he has so many issues from his past) and just use him for hacking out as he loves that and to have Anna for mostly competitions.
I am going to employ a serious competition rider (from UK) to ride Anna for me in Norway showjumping at the higher levels (1m 50 Open height classes) as she entered a show in the UK when on my sisters yard awaiting transport and did really well in the British Novice and then the Open.
It will be lots of fun as when I was younger I competed on JA ponies until my illness (lupus) developed, obviously since then I cannot compete in jumping but by having a rider ride her for me I can enjoy all the excitement without having to ride and will compete her with my company name as a showname with my branding on the saddle cloth rugs ect and on the box to gain some marketing (I import riding clothes and tack)
My groom Sharon has arrived from ther US (she is staying here until Oct when the competition rider comes over from UK) who is a riding for the disabled instructor and she is great, so I am ready for her to help me improve my riding and teach me some new tricks to use to help riding with my illness, I cant wait and am looking forward to my first ever dressage competition (even if it will be just a walk trot class, given my illness it will be such a personal achievement for me, as a year ago I was so ill I couldnt ride and was considering giving up).
Well last Sat John Parker International delivered Anna to me out in Norway, and I can honestly say my cheeks hurt from smiling so much
She settled in with my other two like she has been here a lifetime, she is so easy to handle with manners to burn and is the most kind, gentle horse I have ever owned.
Anna is everything I had hoped for, I have not ridden her as I would like to build a little trust between us first, but I did lightly lunge her yesterday and she is amazing. I unclipped the lunge line at the end and thought I would let her run around a bit on the sand school, well she lunged (without the line) around me in walk trot and canter and back down again and even stood when asking with my voice... what an angel!
I am so happy I cried tears of happiness into her neck, owning my grey Ollie for 3 years has been full of battles both on the ground and on top (he is bolshy and difficult) and I lunged him before lunging her and what a difference... everything was all just so easy, I really have forgotten how uncomplicated some horses are
So I have decieded after trying everything with Ollie to give up trying to make him into what I want (which just is not working as he has so many issues from his past) and just use him for hacking out as he loves that and to have Anna for mostly competitions.
I am going to employ a serious competition rider (from UK) to ride Anna for me in Norway showjumping at the higher levels (1m 50 Open height classes) as she entered a show in the UK when on my sisters yard awaiting transport and did really well in the British Novice and then the Open.
It will be lots of fun as when I was younger I competed on JA ponies until my illness (lupus) developed, obviously since then I cannot compete in jumping but by having a rider ride her for me I can enjoy all the excitement without having to ride and will compete her with my company name as a showname with my branding on the saddle cloth rugs ect and on the box to gain some marketing (I import riding clothes and tack)
My groom Sharon has arrived from ther US (she is staying here until Oct when the competition rider comes over from UK) who is a riding for the disabled instructor and she is great, so I am ready for her to help me improve my riding and teach me some new tricks to use to help riding with my illness, I cant wait and am looking forward to my first ever dressage competition (even if it will be just a walk trot class, given my illness it will be such a personal achievement for me, as a year ago I was so ill I couldnt ride and was considering giving up).