eeek that is horrid forcing it down like that. How could people use things like this in all aspects of training horses, which ever floats your boat in the equestrian world.
Weighted bits aren't a thing IME. Not denying their existence and there are equally horrid bits (& nosebands) used in the UK. Heck there's perfectly reasonable bits used to pull the horses back teeth out while the horses mouth is tied shut in the UK as the rider is two counties behind over a fence ?
A weighted bit isn't as effective as just tying the head down and there are "tie downs" used fairly frequently by certain trainers/riders. A tie down is a piece of tack. I'd hazard its similar to draw reins in so much ad used in the right hands it's a valuable piece of kit but used by the ignorant and/or those looking for a quick fix and it's a cruel piece of kit.