What’s the earliest you go up the yard?


22 December 2019
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Some of the owners on our yard are up at 5.30/6am before work.
I tend to drop the kids at school first and then go up around 9.
Today I'm going up in a minute as want to just sort out my share horse before I head off to the shops to do last minute christmas stuff.

Sasana Skye

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24 May 2019
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I go up at 4:15 during the week before work now. When I was doing my postgrad degrees I was basically awake 24/7 and it was not unheard of for me to arrive at the yard and turn the horses out and muck out (though there wasn't much to clean up at this point) at 2am, just to escape my laptop for an hour :oops: I am the early bird of the yard, even on weekends and days off sometimes I'll get there about 5 and I've already mucked out, ridden and turned out two horses and on my way home by the time the rest of the yard show up. I don't tend to sleep very well!

The Trooper

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19 July 2018
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Our yard is open 24/7 so no restrictions. I tend to my horses at various times, most days it is after work so around 5-6pm. If needed I have been up at 5am in the past and once gone midnight because I was bored and wanted to see my girls.

The Fuzzy Furry

Living in 🦄 🦄 land
24 November 2010
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At this time of the year on coal face days 6am, non coal face its 7am if in and 7.30 if out.
Summer timings are often very different tho.

I think it matters about also what time you leave too.
Eg, I know someone who puts in at 3pm and leaves by 3.15 and returns in morning about 9, to me that's not good as it's her own yard and nobody else there.
Equally another puts in about 3 but returns 9 to 10pm, then back at 6.30am.


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17 August 2008
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Mostly between 7 and 8. But if we're going out it can be earlier. I think the earliest we have been off yard is 4am for beach rides with hounds or for very early autumn hunting. So on yard for 3am to get ready.


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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I used to be there for 5.30 routinely.
Don't generally go in the mornings now unless I'm competing, the YO feeds and turns out about 7.

Been on the yard shortly after 6 most weekends since the autumn, flipping green horse that needs do to the first class of the day at shows :p
I start work between 6.30 and 7 instead so I can finish early enough to catch some daylight. Horses are put to bed about 6.30 ish.


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29 October 2008
West Mids
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I don't go up in the mornings before work unless I am going for an early morning hack on a Sunday when I'm there for around 6.45/7am.
This morning I was there just before 6 am as I had to go up before work as my horse is injured.

I have no problem going up early, my alarm goes off weekdays at 5.15am for work and I can't sleep these days anyway.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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When I was doing my postgrad degrees I was basically awake 24/7 and it was not unheard of for me to arrive at the yard and turn the horses out and muck out (though there wasn't much to clean up at this point) at 2am, just to escape my laptop for an hour :oops:

As a PhD student it wasn't unheard of for me to be riding at 2am. I would be up the yard around 5 on growth curve days anyway, and wouldn't get back up there till 11/12 at night. I lived off pro-plus and red bull. I'm amazed I survived it tbh :p

These days mine live out and I work odd hours so I go up when there's most daylight, so I can hack out as safely as possible.


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8 July 2009
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Mine lives out, so generally about 8am, sometimes 6am, sometimes 9.30am but never later.
Afternoon/evening check usually about 7pm, occasionally 5pm, occasionally 9pm but never earlier or later and always twice a day.
When she was in at night I'd usually be down for 7am, occasionally 7.30 but never later and occasionally closer to 6ish. Usually in around 5.30pm (winter) and 8pm (summer)
I'm not a very good morning person so some of the times on this thread make me feel ill! ?


Well-Known Member
22 July 2013
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It depends on the horse. My last two loved being out and needed to keep moving, so I'd rock up at 5am. Early mornings appall my current horse, he doesn't want to be turfed out in the dark early muddy morning. So currently, I give him breakfast at 6.30 and return to ride at 9am and then he is ready to meet his mates in the field. As the mornings get lighter and hopefully drier, he'll go out progressively earlier.


Well-Known Member
21 April 2014
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omg. i have absolutely no idea how you do that.
I go up at 4:15 during the week before work now. When I was doing my postgrad degrees I was basically awake 24/7 and it was not unheard of for me to arrive at the yard and turn the horses out and muck out (though there wasn't much to clean up at this point) at 2am, just to escape my laptop for an hour :oops: I am the early bird of the yard, even on weekends and days off sometimes I'll get there about 5 and I've already mucked out, ridden and turned out two horses and on my way home by the time the rest of the yard show up. I don't tend to sleep very well!


Well-Known Member
26 November 2018
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On the very first morning of being a pony owner, I arrived at my DIY yard just before 8.00am. The yard manager looked shocked and said "You're early! Most of them don't get here until 9.30 / 10.00am" I was a bit shocked myself to be honest!"

With my old boy, I would be at the yard at 5.45am, before work. When my best friend moved on the yard with her horse, she did the mornings, which suited her better, and I did the bringing in at night.

windand rain

Well-Known Member
25 November 2012
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No set time for mine as they live out 24/7 people are constantly passing and checking over the fence but we spend hours with them during the day anytime from 9 to 12 and from 1 to 4 in the afternoon


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30 September 2019
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During the week 5.30 am and weekends 6.30 am. If riding out in summer will be up yard at about 4.45 am. Routine doesn't change over Xmas


Well-Known Member
20 January 2010
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On the very first morning of being a pony owner, I arrived at my DIY yard just before 8.00am. The yard manager looked shocked and said "You're early! Most of them don't get here until 9.30 / 10.00am" I was a bit shocked myself to be honest!"

With my old boy, I would be at the yard at 5.45am, before work. When my best friend moved on the yard with her horse, she did the mornings, which suited her better, and I did the bringing in at night.
The idea of leaving a horse that long gives me palpitations ???