What a Day!!

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Well today I was moving Felix and his pal to pal's owner's yard so they can be gelded. (She is a friend). Friend was moving her horse to the land Felix and pal were on, to join the companion.

I took my box for the foals and she took hers with her horse on. As soon as horse arrived it went bananas, broke out of box by jumping the external partition and sodded off down the road towards the A6. Cue 999 call to get road closed. After about 30 minutes re-caught her. Aim had been to leave her on box while we loaded foals then put her in field. But that was not going to work. So we tried to put her in field leading her past the foals, while we I was holding them so they did not gallop back up the hill with her. She went for them. Proper attack. Pal reared and fell over backwards. So we tied her to the box. Removed foals from field but well away from her. Put her in the field. She went up the hill at speed. Hurrah. Phew. Now to load the foals! Pal walked on. Felix could not work his feet out and just kept stepping on the spot. Pal got bored and backed out. Repeat several times. Felix leads nicely so in the end we blindfolded him and he walked on fine. Stumbled a bit as his feet hit the ramp but he never made to pull back and walked up happily once he could no longer see the 'I can't possibly walk up that' ramp. Need to work on that before I move him again. Still everyone is now where they are meant to be. And no drama on the roads in the end.

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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The call handler got horse’s last seen location, and direction she was headed in, and dispatched police to close the roads. But we caught her quite quickly and they stood down. Not sure how far they got in closing the A6 as we didn’t even see them.


Well-Known Member
26 November 2018
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Blimey! I'm glad it all turned out alright in the end for you - it certainly sounds like it was very stressful for you all!

You certainly deserve a glass bottle of wine tonight after the day you have had!

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Moved Felix again for his winter grass livery. Totally angelic so it was a much less stressful day than the one I initially had! I did not even try to load him. I was just stood to one side of him letting him sniff the tailer ramp, when he put 2 feet on. So I just waited, then he ambled on by himself. I chucked the lead rope over his back as he went, got the bum bar up, went round to the front to check he was ok and he was just stood there eating hay. He's 2! And a mahoosive horse so did not have much room but he was totally unphased. I honestly think I could stick a saddle on him and ride him down the road, and he'd be fine. Not going to, but,.....

So he's there till Spring now. Then I'll bring him home to sell but will also start the backing process and just jeep working with him till he goes. Quite looking forward to it! As I think he'll be really easy.