Well-Known Member
17 hands and over is big to me .
Anything over 17hh is big to me. Average is 15.2 - 16.2 judging by the horses I have had at livery here over the years.
Well a 16.2 draft is bigger than a 16.2 TB. It's not all about height. I can say that as I own the biggest 14.2 *in the world*
I am surprised at how many of you with 17/17.1/17.2 have to get things made especially.
Jake, as I have said, is 17.3hh:
He has a 17.5'' Wide saddles,
an extra full bridle/headcollar,
6'9/7'0 rugs,
full tendon boots,
28'' dressage girth,
He has a handful of alfa-a and half a scoop of calm and condition twice a day,
three large haynets of haylage/hay mix a day (plus top ups should he need it but rarely does)
the farrier fits shoes off the peg,
AND he fits in a 3.5t
Nothing specially made, not overly expensive to feed.. no real dramas. (I did have to buy an extra long dressage whip but I'll allow him that )
Mine is 18hh
20inch xxw made to measure ideal saddle
Extra full made to measure bridle
7ft 6 rugs (bit snug)
54" girth
Extra full Tendon Boots
Goes through a round bale of haylage every week plus 2 feeds a day.
Not a chance would he fit in 3.5 tom lorry...I have to travel him alone in my 7.5 ton with the partitions removed...
It not just height he is extremely wide too....never have too ask if my bum looks big on him..!!!
But I wouldn't change a single bit of him.....