What do you do when your Daemon...


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Isn't ready to be ridden over an arena xc course, but you don't want to miss the opportunity to introduce him to the concepts:


Scary water tray... No bother - it's rather wide too!

Little astro turf thingy - D was more interested in eating this:



Scary brush fence - Dae also wanted to eat this instead...


Rope juggling...


And straight onto the massively scary arrowhead...



Gate. I have a fab shot of him going the other way, but I'm in the way - typical!


These things fill me with absolute dread. I just don't know how anyone can jump them!


Sorry for the photo overload, but a couple of folk have expressed interest in Dae. For those who don't know him, he's a Morrich highland, 4 years old, and thinks he is a sports horse :p I'm not sure what I'll end up doing with him, but I feel like he might not be out of place around some small xc courses in future :)

We were stringing a few fences together, and he was motoring on between them, really getting the idea. If I didn't get tangled up in the wings every few fences, or was fitter, he'd probably have buzzed round a full course :p

Photo credits to dafthoss again :)


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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He's so lovely, I think you've managed to find the two most handsome ponies around :) Reckon he's going to be a rather ace eventer :D


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26 February 2009
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I love him, I want him, send him this way please!

Jealous of your jumps, my girl would love getting to galavant around the place popping over them!


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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He's so lovely, I think you've managed to find the two most handsome ponies around :) Reckon he's going to be a rather ace eventer :D

Haha, he's not nearly as handsome as F! Not that I have favourites... He's cocky enough, certainly!

I think you need to set your goals a bit higher -he is looking like he'd be a super little BE90/100 poneh!

Unless that's small to you :eek:

Great pictures!

Nope not small to me - it's not his skills I dispute! :D

I love him, I want him, send him this way please!

Jealous of your jumps, my girl would love getting to galavant around the place popping over them!

Haha you wouldn't want him - he' crackers! They're great, but not mine (oh no, no chance!) - I have lovely neighbours!

Maybe you could disguise him abit and do dog agility instead? Awesome pony

Haha! He'd be good at that! :D

Yet another highland dude!! Massive fan of both your lads!!! :)

Thanks! I love my highlands - I can't wait to go back for another, when all the stars align and life sorts itself out! :)


Well-Known Member
17 July 2008
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Love this! And the pictures of F on your other thread. No wonder your ponies turn out to be such great all-rounders. He looks brilliant!

Dry Rot

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31 May 2010
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Well, Fergs is bound to have the edge on looks compared to Daemon as his dad was Supreme Champion Coulnacraig Highlander, champion at the Royal Highland Show in 2002.

As for jumping, Daemon's half sister, also 4 years old, isn't half bad. She just needs a jockey (and a new tail to replace the one the foals ate!). This photo was taken when she was 3yo.



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30 May 2009
Shropshire, England.
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I'm impressed by your ability to avoid tangling the lunge line in those wings constantly! As well as pony's jumping ability, of course :p
Dan wouldn't go anywhere near that green one... was bad enough when there was something green on a jump the other day, we had to stop miles away & snort at it, to scare it off of course ;) Not sure why my horse is scared of green!!


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17 May 2012
South of Scotland
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This is what I need to do with Geoff - lunge him over the scary fences while he gets his confidence.

Dae looking like a proper sports model though ;) cannot WAIT to see him out and about!!


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Love this! And the pictures of F on your other thread. No wonder your ponies turn out to be such great all-rounders. He looks brilliant!

Thanks! We do our best ;) He's a bit of a loon - doesn't really behave like a normal pony at all!

He is such a dude, he is going to be a great pony :)

Thanks - I certainly hope so! :D

Well, Fergs is bound to have the edge on looks compared to Daemon as his dad was Supreme Champion Coulnacraig Highlander, champion at the Royal Highland Show in 2002.

As for jumping, Daemon's half sister, also 4 years old, isn't half bad. She just needs a jockey (and a new tail to replace the one the foals ate!). This photo was taken when she was 3yo.

Yep, Fergs got the looks, Dae got the balls (not literally as obviously neither have them any more!). Can't beat a Morrich highland!

I'm impressed by your ability to avoid tangling the lunge line in those wings constantly! As well as pony's jumping ability, of course :p
Dan wouldn't go anywhere near that green one... was bad enough when there was something green on a jump the other day, we had to stop miles away & snort at it, to scare it off of course ;) Not sure why my horse is scared of green!!

I'll let you into a secret - I did get tangled up a few times! I was more impressed with F jumping it than Dae. F has an astroturf phobia, there are loads of pics on here of him and me looking very stylish over a little astroturf xc fence ;) It is truly terrifying!

Lovely boy! He looks like he's having a lot of fun!

Dae always has fun - if there's none on offer, he makes his own :D

So bold :eek: looks to have potential for jumping too :)

Yep - I think I may have overhorsed myself... With a pony :eek3:



Absolutely gorgeous :D

A million years ago I took a Highland pony to PC camp. Was an absolute hoot, still makes me smile all these years later :)

You honestly can't beat them for fun - they're just such a laugh! All hail the highland breed!

Super pony!

He is! :D

This is what I need to do with Geoff - lunge him over the scary fences while he gets his confidence.

Dae looking like a proper sports model though ;) cannot WAIT to see him out and about!!

Yea it's easier than dealing with rider issues - no way I'd ride into some of these on him!!

He thinks he is a TB and should be running the national. I hate to break his dreams, but it's not really true when you're a kid and they tell you that you can grow up to be anything you want :p

Dry Rot

Well-Known Member
31 May 2010
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Followers here may not know that the Daemon attempted to jump a full sized steel gate at the age of five months, got his back leg caught between the top two bars and just hung there. Muggins tried to lift his front half to get him untangled until the brain got back into gear and I got him free by pulling his leg sideways. The next day he was not even limping.

I had to drive over the gate with the Landrover several times to straighten it, then weld up a large crack. Powerful animals, Highland ponies, and definitely made of stronger stuff than steel! In case any one is worried, that gate has now been extended upwards by about a foot, but even that did not stop 6 month old Lucy trying to jump it the other day and breaking the top wooden rail!


Well-Known Member
2 May 2011
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Love this, would love to try this too! Great way of getting a baby over some new fences without rider interference! Awesome ponies...


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Hooray Daemon pics :)
He's looking fantastic, credit to you.
love to see a trim, fit highland :)

Thanks! In reality, he's neither really - had a bit of time off due to growth spurt, so not fit, and looks skinny as he's conformationally rather whippet like! He's an oddball!

Followers here may not know that the Daemon attempted to jump a full sized steel gate at the age of five months, got his back leg caught between the top two bars and just hung there. Muggins tried to lift his front half to get him untangled until the brain got back into gear and I got him free by pulling his leg sideways. The next day he was not even limping.

I had to drive over the gate with the Landrover several times to straighten it, then weld up a large crack. Powerful animals, Highland ponies, and definitely made of stronger stuff than steel! In case any one is worried, that gate has now been extended upwards by about a foot, but even that did not stop 6 month old Lucy trying to jump it the other day and breaking the top wooden rail!

Yep. Tough as nails. Or rather, flexible as rubber - thank heavens he was so young when he did it - dope!

what a fab little guy! Really lovely photos :)

Thanks! :D

Love this, would love to try this too! Great way of getting a baby over some new fences without rider interference! Awesome ponies...

I've done it before with ditches and natural obstacles out and about, but this was too good an opportunity to miss (no idea how long the jumps will be there!). It really is good fun and, I think, good education :)


Well-Known Member
18 November 2004
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These pics are awesome, he mega rules. I'm impressed how you didn't knock the wings over with the lunge line too. You have the skills...and awesome ponies x


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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These pics are awesome, he mega rules. I'm impressed how you didn't knock the wings over with the lunge line too. You have the skills...and awesome ponies x

Well I am perfect, y'know ;)

(*coughs* I totally didn't take the entire arrowhead jump down getting tangled up... No, not at all!) x