What do you think about Parelli?


Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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Most of the people I come across don't have "common sense" just a big opinionated mouth.

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Pot? Kettle?

I suspect you all turn up at your competitions in your latest caldene jackets and harry hall jodhphurs.

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Sorry darling but I wouldn't be seen dead in either of those cheap brands. Euroline jacket, schumacker jods and fancy italian long boots for me.


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26 March 2008
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I never said I wasn't opinionated.

I rest my case as I said, snobbery! You are a very good example of the kind of people that nearly put me off horses altogether! Self-righteous people who think nobody else is allowed to have an opinion and that their way is the only way.

Parelli is actually about compromise. Working together with your horse to have an outcome that is acceptable and comfortable to both parties. If it helps your relationship/skills/riding technique then what's wrong with that. I don't need you to tell me if I'm right the only opinion that matter to me is my horses.

You think that everybody who does parelli is incompetant, knows nothing and is as narrowminded as the rest of the people on here. Maybe we just want to broaden our knowledge? Well you can think what you like about me thankfully I don't have to put up with your "kind" anymore and I'm actually enjoying life with my horse at last!

and yeah I bought a few dvd's but they didn't cost anymore than normal dvd's and my halter was cheaper than my headcollars so..... but then again it's my money and I can spend it how I like!

It's a shame you can't all have a look at it properly and maybe take some of it and learn something or maybe even take some of it and turn it into something else, you never know you might actually enjoy it, I'm sure your horse would love it.


Well-Known Member
24 April 2008
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You are a very good example of the kind of people that nearly put me off horses altogether! Self-righteous people who think nobody else is allowed to have an opinion and that their way is the only way.

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PMSLOL!!!! You obviously haven't looked at any other posts on this forum them? Most posts are people asking for help and advice, looking for someone else's POV rather than being 'opinionated' and 'know it all' as you suggest.

Why did you even join this forum? No-one will take you seriously if this is all you post about.


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4 January 2009
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Limited knowledge is dangerous as proven by remarks on the subject of Parelli. Level 1 of the so called "common sense" clearly explains all previous comments. Perhaps if people actually took the time and studied this Americanized natural horsemanship they would find information there which would benefit their partnership with their horses. Comments on the cost, if you way up the cost of the course to the expense of traditional methods, over time Parelli not only saves you money but will enlighten your life and enrich your relationship with probably what will end up your best friend.


Well-Known Member
13 July 2008
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The term 'schooling whip' is an invalid and completely misleading term when used to describe a carrot stick.
Yes, you use your 'whip' for the uses you describe, but that does'nt mean we use our carrot sticks in the same manner as you do.
Also, a 'whip' is a 'whip' and a 'stick' is not.
A whip hurts if you hit with it, even with little effort, and so it is not an effective tool for us. With a solid stick that has very little flex in it, you can use in a very light touch or with medium strength, or with alot of strength and give a sort of 'thump' (not often needed!) but not create a pain that a thin flexible whip would cause (with little effort in comparison) which to a horse may be seen as very rude and undeserving, that is not considered as an effective communication tool. I am not talking about your use of your schooling whip, I am talking in terms of a 'whip' used in conjunction with Parelli methods.
Anyone feel free to PM me if you would like to talk more about Parelli.

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Maybe you think that because you have yused parelli - most people who use this ridicolous money frauding idea are people who cant ride/wont ride/ scared to ride!!!!!!
A carrot stick - God just get a stick and put some string on it!!!
Also my firend used a 'whip' (as you put it in speech marks i will!) and her stubborn pony didnt care - i don not think it hurt her at all - explain why not use a whip coz a carrot stick is a whip[!!!!


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20 February 2009
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Having lived nearly all of my 38 years around horses from foals, colts, stallions, racehorses you name it I've probably sat on it, fallen off, been bitten by it, and I'm still here to tell the tale I thought i'd tell you of my Parelli experience. I am also an ex UK army officer so am not a timid housewife either!

After some consultation I now have my mother-in-laws chestnut mare, 11 y old gorgeous warm blood. My MIL is a qualified instructor, so too her daughter, both vvv experienced and accomplished riders. This horse was incredibly spooky and tempremental bones were broken, spirits damaged.

In fact they tried to sell her, and sent her to a couple of exceptional trainers, but as is usual these days she didn't pass the vet! Anyway I said I'd have a go.

Nightmare...typical CM. Spooky, confrontational, bites, barging, walking all over, wouldn't load etc etc you know the script. Pretty Ok in the stable though and beautiful paces, incredible jumper when in the mood! BIG foodie.

Anyway, after several months and bumps and bruises, and near empty bank account later from all the types of kit tried on her, I happened accross channel 280 (very good actually), and saw Mr and Mrs Parelli, doing their thing. Thought OK thats new, I will give this a go, what have I got to loose?
I bought the kit off ebay (most of he original kits way over priced - hope someone is reading from Stoneleigh!) basics, stick, 12ft rope and a halter and the 7 games DVD.

WOW..what an improvement, that CM looked at me after I'd done the 'join up' bit, which took two hours by the way!, licked its lips and came over as if butter would not melt. We got the hang of the seven games within another two hours and by the end of 4 months I had her going in the trailer on pointing at it.

I tell you this, and I may have missed all the threads (well, I got bored after page 10!) so forgive repetition, but if the BHS I believe (after the Parelli conference last year) are now incorporating natural horsemanship into some of their training and Walter Zett is on board, and other classical dressage instructors, regardless if your a Parelli or a Monty fan, there IS something in this. Hell the old Indians of nevada used it years ago.

I am going to continue with the levels out of sheer curiosity and also because I have managed to get that CM respect and confidence up. We are competing, we go out for hacks and I jump her with herhalter on - we are now working on the liberty bits and are progressing.

Anyway, long winded sorry, but to summerise, their marketing is exceptional, their advice well researched and gets better year on year, its worth having a go, but don't give up after a month - its taken me 9 months to get this far with her on top of the dressage and jumpring training, but if they really want to do us and horsekind all a favour - reduce the prices so everyone can afford to try it out themselves, they would reduce the anymosity (can't spell!) those people who really do need to learn they are just not machines. Wish I'd known these basics when I was a kid.


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5 March 2009
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i think that u r absolutly right in what u say i am a parelli follower and i think it is great but i am not one of those people who think they r all high and mighty just because they do parelli i am open to ne thing and if ne one critisizes me for doing parelli becaue they have seen harsh things in parelli thats their business and your post is so far the only 2 sided post i have seen on this forum and i thank u very much for posting it up!!