We tip it in our muckheap compund and son pushes it up tidy. Next-door bring us a tipping trailer when we need and son loads it with his tractor. They take it away, I give them a tenner a load.
Oh Bosworth - I am so sorry - I hadn't seen your post because I was researching on the net myself and came across this very article. I was so amazed I posted it on the New Lounge forum. I will add a reply to it so that I don't take the glory!
Fantastic! - so glad I came across this post. Don't have the hugest amount of muck but we do have a wood burner, some spare timber and an ecologically sound lifestyle as far as we can..
Bosworth, you are fast turning out to be my best source of advicel!!
Ours looks absolutely pristine and sometimes better than some of the horses beds! YO is fanatical about keeping it tidy and its built up in gradual steps (at moment there are 3) Local farmer comes and removes it all from barn (its even under cover) and takes it to top field and then YO burns it!!!
Same in summer though - everyone religiously pooh picks and each field has its own little pile of pooh, which is also removed and taken to said hill and burnt!
As it is just me, my muck heap is a pristine tidy rectangle (or should that be oblong?). It is well mulched Hemcore so that the chap I rent the stable and field from can put it on his garden and you should see the rhubarb!.
<font color="pink"> </font> At my old riding school..They used to pile it in steps. That way you can move it up to the top..The yards I went to after that just piled it up and had it re-moved.
I have a "good" idea though..Why not put it into black bags..Then put adverts for free manure (or a small fee) in the garden centre?? Its worth a try!!
x x x x jenjenz x x x x