What is the best / your favourite Saddle Pad?

Little Rock

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21 February 2023
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Hi There,

I am doing a Uni project and have the above and below questions to answer and would hugely appreciate the H&H forum input and thoughts.

- Whats your favourite style?
- What is the most you pay?
- Do you prefer a none polyester option? Or like something sustainable?
- Do you like the Sports Lux style currently in the market or prefer a more classic heritage country look when can be found?
- Do you or would you personalise a pad?

If you are able to complete the full survey I would be forever grateful!
(Please not NO personal details are asked for or gathered - it is only a condensed version of the above questions in more detail)

A HUGE thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to answer and reply. I would be happy to share the results summarised.

x LR

Maddie Moo

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23 February 2021
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May I suggest a few adaptions to your survey, did your lecturer approve it?

- Firstly please check your spelling and grammar - simple mistakes can make your survey look ‘childish’, also in the days of laptops etc, there really isn’t an excuse for spelling mistakes (I say this as someone who is dyslexic).
- It’s normally customary to start a survey with a participant agreement of some kind, eg: about data protection and GDPR, that they can end the survey at any time. Also if it is for a dissertation or thesis, it normally has the ethics statement saying it has been approved by your university’s ethics committee.
- You have repeated the same question “What is the most used item for your horse?“ twice (Unless my iPad is having a moment!). Also the question doesn’t really make sense to me, what are you trying to find out here? What if I used both a saddle pad and turnout rug each day, then I can’t really answer that question accurately.
-Also the question about designing your dream saddle pad is a bit clunky - I’m assuming you are doing qualitative data and looking for similar words or themes? But you may find that is hard to get useful data from that sort of question as you haven’t given the respondents enough guidance of themes you might like them to discuss.


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14 September 2020
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I gave up because I couldn't skip the free text boxes and they required 50 characters. I'd suggest making them optional or with no minimum character limit.

Your first question asks about a luxury saddle pad but you haven't defined what this means. My everyday saddle pad costs about £150 , is this a luxury one ?


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17 February 2011
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I have filled in the survey but I’m afraid I have to agree that it is not well designed (I work in market research so I do this a lot). If you’re asking questions to which you only allow one answer, you have to ensure there is only one possible answer per person (i.e. how many legs do you have? 1, 2, 3 etc). It’s best to avoid free text as you have to analyse the results manually (they aren’t quantitative). In this case the survey you have used insists on a minimum number of characters which is annoying to fill in of you only want to reply with a short sentence. It’s hard to tell what the objective of your project is, but I am unsure that this survey will help you to find out any answers.
The best way is to start with a hypothesis or a simple question such as ‘I hypothesise that most people will spend £x on a saddle pad but would spend £x more for a personalised version or one made sustainably’ and ask questions that lead you to that answer.

cauda equina

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2 February 2014
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I filled it in and was also stumped by the 'Which item do you use most' question
ATM they wear T/O rugs 24/7 and saddle pads only when I ride so the answer would be T/O rugs, but in summer they don't wear T/O rugs at all so saddle pads (well numnahs actually, I never use saddle pads) would win

eta I felt the survey was not aimed at my 'type' (old and fusty) but maybe it's useful to have opinions from people who buy brown things and use them until they fall apart.
Or maybe not
Anyway good luck OP


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I also gave the survey a thumbs down as I was disqualified from the first question as my last saddle pad was over £200, and the survey only went up to £160 max. I therefore couldn't continue.


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13 October 2009
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How unkind!
If you have constructive criticism, then give it. That was just nasty.

This isn't a university survey, I don't know what its for, creating new saddle pads/marketing maybe. So I don't feel like wasting my time giving feedback to a survey that's being presented as something its not.
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12 May 2015
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This isn't a university survey, I don't know what its for, creating new saddle pads/marketing maybe. So I don't feel like wasting my time giving feedback to a survey that's being presented as something its not.

Ah ok, I hadn't considered the poster wasn't genuine. I am perhaps far too trusting.