What no motorway bridge!!!!


Well-Known Member
18 November 2005
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Well I posted about trying to get my horse over a motorway bridge for the first time on an endurance ride today...but unfortunately we had to retire three quarters of the way round so did not get to go over the bridge!

Not sure what is wrong really he seems a bit foot sore and was trotting short on one of his fronts. I have had a look and no swelling, heat etc..only thing possible is that his shoe seems to have slipped a bit and may be pressing his frog so have put it down to that. Got farrier on Thursday so will see what he says. He seems alright himself and had a canter round the field when he got back!!! Typical! And he looked sound then!!! Perhaps he was pretending to get out of it! LOL! Only joking, will keep an eye on him.

Great ride though.