What on earth can we do about these nasty antis?


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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You could not read their Facebook posts. Was it directed at you or just a posting made somewhere else?

I am a member of the same hunt and I have read the whole post. It actually reads as a diatribe against one particular named person with another named in addition. I suspect it is nothing whatsoever to do with antis and everything to do with an entirely personal local vendetta. I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
20 August 2008
Wester Ross, the beautiful NW coast of Scotland
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Yes, it transpires that the main perpetrator does have 'issues' with one of the hunt members and it's not the first time that they have tried to cause trouble for this member. Some of the comments, though - presumably from people who are part of the facebook community - were really horrible. Anyone who put a reasonable response forward to explain what was going on immediately got blocked.


Well-Known Member
17 June 2010
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The whole lot of `em are totally barking,but in a way extremely amusing.Besides saying that the baby munching fox was a hoax,the last one I read was suggesting trapping and spaying "lady badgers". I really would love to watch the vet nurse get a vein for the anaesthetic next to those fearsome:eek: gnashers.Barking,all of them.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2012
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The whole lot of `em are totally barking,but in a way extremely amusing.Besides saying that the baby munching fox was a hoax,the last one I read was suggesting trapping and spaying "lady badgers". I really would love to watch the vet nurse get a vein for the anaesthetic next to those fearsome:eek: gnashers.Barking,all of them.

Jioning this thread halfway through is not always wise but my experience is baying at me . There is a piece of legislation called the harasment act for this circumstance constant attacks on the internet personal stacks and the constant videoing following and such like we need to make complaints video footage of them saving the attacks on facebook (personally a hate the wretched site) and any other evidence then once it has occurred on three occasions report it to police and obtain a harrasment warning on the perpetrators. Keep up the evidence gathering and push the police to do their job.