What should I be expecting from her?


Well-Known Member
9 June 2012
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Hi everyone.

I have a Gypsy Vanner Mare, she is absolutely amazing and 110% genuine in every way, I am just wondering what you think I should be expecting from her at this current moment in time..

Her background is...
She is 8 years old, she has spent the past 2-3 years as a broodmare with gypsys who didn't treat her all that great, and wanted rid as soon as she didn't produce a foal, as she was rendered useless!!

I have had her now since beginning of August so roughly 6 weeks or so, and she is now lunging for 5-10 minutes, and walking out for up to 20 minutes. She knew nothing about lunging when I got her but will now walk and trot, although we are working on keeping it going as she is quite lazy!
She was broken to ride and drive years ago, and as soon as I clipped her onto long reins, she dropped her head, and acted totally as if she knew what she was doing, which you would think she would as obviously having been driven for years, however she completely ignored her aids, and wouldn't walk forward in a straight line, would basically just go where it suited, so I am going to go back to the beginning with this and have someone leading and someone long reining just to remind her what to do.

She has had tack on, and has been sat on by myself and took all this fantastically and was not atall phased.

Everyone who knows her, and even those that don't say that now I should be beginning to ride her in the school even just in walk... I still think this is a little too much as we are still trying to master walk and trot on the lunge, when someone is sat on her with tack, she won't walk forward unless lead anyway and wouldn't want to push her and be 1 step forward 2 steps back!

What would you all say?

If she were yours, and this was the background she came with, where would you expect to be in 5-6 weeks? I am NOT in any rush, it's just I don't want to take it so slow she is getting bored and perhaps not having it sink in, but don't want to push her too far and end up going a step back!

This is her now... (If you click and look at the pictures of when I got her you will see she was still very baby shaped cos of her baby belly but with the right feed and exercise she is toning up very well!


She is wearing a numnah (although not well), because she gave my goddaughter a little ride out :)



Sorry if pictures are extra large!