What size can I ride (the small rider large horse edition)?


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21 January 2013
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So often see threads with adults looking to see what size pony they could ride...but I'm 5ft3 and 9 stone and want to know if a 16.2 ISH would be way too big for me.

I've seen a few on my search that look perfect...if only they were 15.2.

So would people like to make me feel better by sharing the giants they have ridden and pics? :)

I'm hoping the jumps will just look small from up high...
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25 February 2016
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I'm the same and find it's width rather than height that is the problem. My 15.2 part bred draft used to put me into a chair position no matter how hard saddlers and instructors tried and I think it was because my hips couldn't cope! A 17h TBx and I looked and rode a lot better - legs hung better.

I spent my early 30s with a 16.3 warmblood and I don't look back at those photos thinking I look little. At one point I was getting off him onto a 13h Welsh and they both felt fine.


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12 March 2005
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I’m 5 ft 1, 7.5 stone and have a 17hh TB. The late Catembi, in avatar, was a 17hh ISH, very strapping and weighed 690kg. I didn’t mean to buy him but fell head over heels in love. We competed up to 1 m 15 BS and had 9 or 10 BD points. I just bought a huge mounting block and was careful not to drop anything out hacking 🤣


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17 May 2013
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Yes, echo what SEL said. I'm 5ft and looking for a dressage pony, but my first horse was a 16.2 TB. My current mare is 14.2 and well sprung, so I've always struggled to get a good position and my legs round her. Saddle makes a lot of difference, but you can only do so much with the saddle!

I could ride a 17h narrow long-legged horse, but I don't want the faff of having to get a step every time I tack up and untack, hence looking for a pony!


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29 July 2019
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Narrow but tall horse should be fine, I'm 5'4 and 8 stone and currently riding a 16.1 sporty PRE I have on livery, I do feel a little silly (my normal steed is 14hh) but definitely not like I can't handle her or mount or anything like that.
My friend has a 16.2 heavy hunter though and I feel like a pea on a mountain on him!

Still, a strong preference for the tiny ones :p


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25 March 2011
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It really depends on the horse and the type of horse. Some big horses ride much smaller and vice versa. I’m 5’9 so the opposite problem, but I don’t look any taller on a chunky 15.2hh than on a slim and long-legged 17.2hh. For me it’s more about the handling on the ground than the riding; a big horse is more expensive to keep, hard to tack up, more difficult to get on from the ground etc etc. I’d definitely keep an open mind about it, and this is coming from someone who used to be wedded to smaller horses.


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20 April 2011
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I'm 5'6" and when I first got Alfie (in my avatar) I weighed 8st. He's an 18hh clydesdale. I've had him 13 years now.
I am now firmly in the big horse camp and his replacement is 17.1hh. I enjoy sitting on ponies and small horses but I wouldn't have one.


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12 March 2005
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This is me on Thor the TB... After Cat died, I had a phase of trying to be sensible & having smaller horses. When I was horse hunting again I discounted Thor as I didn't think that I wanted another elephant, but the dealer was local so thought I'd have a look-see in case she might have anything more suitable in... As soon as I got on him, I thought, 'you're my horse'. An even stronger click than I'd had with Cat. So...he was my horse! I just wish I hadn't got rid of all my 6 ft 9/7 ft rugs! I just like the stride length & cadence of the bigger horse. Thor is now pretty much retired due to PSSM type 2, and when I eventually start looking again, I will be aiming for another elephant! Despite being able to ride my 12hh Dartmoor...!


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27 July 2010
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My daughter when she was fourteen and weighed about 8 stone wet through used to ride a 16 hand maxi cob draught cross.
At sixteen I was riding a 17.2 fit hunter, you just do not have to fall off out hacking, or learn to mount from a gate.
It's not their size, it is whether they are well trained, and if you have the brain to avoid situations where physically they may get the better of you.

Barton Bounty

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19 November 2018
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This is all making me feel abit better!

I'm also thinking that if the ground is further away that I'll have longer to try and land on my feet...! :)

ETA: I'm going to view her on Friday!
Im 5’2.5 yes the .5 is important 😂😂 i had a 17.2 for many years. You will be fine , just feels like a long way down getting off 😂

Jeni the dragon

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2 August 2019
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I'm 5ft 1 and a tiny bit and while I was at school used to help at a local yard riding their driving horses. The 16hhs were fine, but the 17hh pair were a real challenge to rug and tack up especially! There was a large mounting block at the yard but if I had to get off out hacking I was usually snookered!
I've got a 13.2 now and she's a much more sensible size!
Sister is looking for here next and everything she likes the look of is 16.2. She's slightly shorter than me and decided to go for something a bit lower!


Beware... My Plants...
19 October 2022
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I'm 4'11" and ride up to 17.1 at my riding school . He's the tallest they have but not massively wide. He's actually more comfortable to ride than some of the smaller, stockier (wider) ponies.

Getting on is fun, even with a mounting block, getting off is worse - I feel like I need a top rope and a belayer! 🧗‍♀️


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15 April 2013
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I'm 5'4", used to be nearly 5'6" but have shrunk over the years! I've ridden anything from a 14hh Connie to a 17hh WB and tbh for me it's all been about how wide they have been and how the neck is set on. I don't like anything too wide and I like to have a neck in front of me. The rest is about schooling, a well mannered, well schooled horse is always preferable to any horse that is not, whatever the size.


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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I am 5'7 and 9 1/2 st, and have had some right whoppers! Mostly over 17hh, some well over 17hh.

I find big ones more difficult to fall off, like trying to fall off the world LOL. Silliest falls have been off little ones, one moment they are there, then they are gone and the floor is there.

I prefer slimmer types to wide ones.

Schooling needs to be attended to if the experience is to be enjoyable.

Mounting and dismounting (the latter especially) is tricky as you get older.

I have now changed to a 16hh, it is easier with my aged hips and knees.


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11 May 2015
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I agree that width is everything. I'm 5'6" and could not ride a cob or native of any height as my hips just can't cope with the width. On my 16.2 ex-racer and 17hh slimmish-built ID I was in heaven.


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25 January 2015
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Not quite so relevant, but it depends hugely on how narrow they are also.. I'm 5ft8 and Jacob here was 18.3hh, 19hh with shoes on but I don't think you would say he looks anywhere near as big as he was a narrow gullet, high withered and didn't take up the leg that well. I think you just have to go look at the horse in front of you.



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21 January 2010
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I'm 5'4" and have ridden everything up to 18hh but it does get harder as you get older.

I always said the older I got, the smaller my animals would be but have failed miserably, having my biggest horse (16.1hh) and biggest dog yet. I liked my 15.1hh that I lost a couple of years ago as I could get on from the floor at a push and I have no chance with the current one. I also find tacking up a lot harder, getting the saddle on straight in one go and at the moment getting the girth high enough is a challenge. He was fine when it was two holes on either side but it's currently four holes either side and I just don't have the height to do it! Fortunately he is very good to be mounted so I can get on with a fairly loose girth and then tighten while on board.

However, it is fair to say that he doesn't ride any bigger than my 15.1 did and I feel great on him so am happy to compromise, although I do often joke about training him to kneel like a camel so that I can tack up and get on easier!


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11 September 2019
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I'm 5ft 1, currently horse shopping, and just tried a 15.1 arab - perfect size and height. I think a lot depends on type of horse - narrow and tall is fine but I don't do too well with wider horses. E.g I'd feel ok on a 16.1 TB but on a maxi cob I'd be very uncomfortable 😅


Novice equestrian, accomplished equichetrian
8 December 2017
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In my group lessons I often see teenaged girls of about 5'2" or so, very light, riding on big horses...

The problem that these girls have is when the horse doesn't want to take the bit and lifts its head... Makes tacking up a bit tricky.

If you can climb on it's back, then I don't think there's any problem. Even if I'm almost 6' tall and weigh almost 100kg I'm not going to win in a trial of strength against even a 15hh2 pony.
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29 July 2009
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I’m 5’6’’ and have ridden small and large. Love a narrower horse the wide ones play havoc with your position and hips! All time fave for comfort was 15.1 warmblood Pete. Always felt slightly big on him but so comfy.


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24 April 2020
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I'm 5'2 / 9st and ride mostly bigger horses. In fact I prefer it :)

This one is about 16.2 and has a massive barrel

All of the horses in here are 16h plus. The first horse is 16.2 again with a massive barrel. The bright bay is 16.1 and felt like a pony.
