for enquiring about horses for sale? I've always thought 10am to 8pm, but no later, unless people state otherwise in their advert. Just wondering what everyone else considers acceptable?
9am to 9pm for me. I dislike people calling me about horses any earlier or later than this....but then I don't like talking much to people on the phone anyway
I try and keep it in work hours, so 9 to 6. If someone called me about a horse for sale after 9pm I am afraid I would tell them to call back! After 7pm is family time for me!
I think Id go til 9.00pm. Only because I know that having horses myself I am difficult to contact before this time. If I had to ring any later I would apologise and ask if there was a more convenient time to ring.
I hate it when someone calls you at 7am in the morning or 11pm at night, I'm half briandead let only able to think propely about the horse for sale. I tend to call around 7:30 becuase most people back from yard by then. If not theres a parter to take your number.
When I was selling me old horse we had someone call at 12 midnight!!! I was not impressed I can tell you and they got rough end of my tongue I can tell You!!!
I'd say 8am to 9pm but I've had people answering ads calling at 6 in the morning and after 11 at night. I was not impressed!!! Although I don't really mind early calls as horsy people are generally early risers!
The time I do all my business is about 7am - I would be overjoyed if people called about horses at that time.
As it stands, only one person has ever rang at 7am (to tell me she didnt want the horse as it was too small - why bother coming in the first place). Downside was it was a Sunday - the one day when I tend to sleep until around then
Personally I think past 7:30pm is unacceptable, my brain shuts down around then and I can barely string a sentence together(usually in bed watching a film by 8pm).
Looking at this, the only acceptable time for everyone would be between 6pm (when people are likely to be in after work) and 7pm (the latest some people find acceptable).
I tend to phone between 6 and 8.30pm, when most people are likely to be in.
yes i think between 9 and 9..
when i wqs looking i rang up many and could only do so after school, and when my parents were around and i thought that around 8 ish time was better as it was less likely to disturb someones meal.
Id probably say 9-7. weve had quite a few crazed parents calling at about 7am, just as horse and hound landed on thier doormat presumabley lol! think they are frightened someone else will arrange to come and view so they call asap