Well-Known Member
Following on from the 'getting up on dark morning' thread where people seem to be getting up almost before some have gone to bed, do you alter your bed time in winter? Cold, dark and wet is bed best?
This is me too. Tyically, up at 5.30am, work for 7.30am. Then horse, gym and home by around 7pm. Tea 7ish, asleep on sofa by 8pm, bed by 9pm. Sleep 10m. Wide, wide awake by 2am worrying and tossing and turning. Hot drink, cocodamol to knock me out around 4am. Awake 4.50am.I used to have to be in bed by 10.00 at the latest in the winter to cope with the early starts (6.00am stables). The reality was I was often asleep by 9.00 on the sofa.
This is me too. Tyically, up at 5.30am, work for 7.30am. Then horse, gym and home by around 7pm. Tea 7ish, asleep on sofa by 8pm, BED BY 9 asleep by 10 ???. Sleep 10m. Wide, wide awake by 2am worrying and tossing and turning. Hot drink, cocodamol to knock me out around 4am. Awake 4.50am.
Same. In bed for 9.30pm and up at 5am. I love silent mornings.I like to be in bed by 9 30 then read a bit, drop off, turn off the light and go to sleep properly
Wake up at 5 all year round; if it's light go straight out and feed the ponies, if not have a mug of tea then do them after
Bed 9pm, up 5.45am. That is all year pretty much.
I know I need a lot of sleep, I joke I am making up for 3.5 years of shifts and sleep deprivation but it's been 3.5 years since my last night shift ? I go to bed at 9.30 sleep for 9.45 and my alarm goes off at 6.50 to be up for 7am. This is the least tired and most functional I have felt in years and also means I don't spend my days off sleeping. I have been known to sleep 19 hours out of 24.I either need more sleep than a lot of you or am very lazy! Even though I am asleep by 9.30pm most days, I still struggle to get up at 6.30am. I couldn't do 5am!