What to do - yards?


Well-Known Member
18 January 2007
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I've got my boy on a gorgeous, proper competition yard. The facilities are the best for miles around and I've got friends on the yard and my instructor liveries her horse there too, which is handy.
They have showjumping and dressage competitions at the yard, fortnightly, through the year. I compete at dressage, so it is really handy for that.
But, it is a huge schlep out from where I live and the hacking has progressively got worse as the roads get busier. It is also expensive, there is a bit of politics, and my boy spends a lot of time in because there is not a suitable starvation paddock for him.
Just had a call from a girl I used to livery with at another yard, which closed. Her yard has a stable come spare. It is 5 mins drive from my house, the hacking is lovely and quiet, it is cheaper and there is an indoor school and starvation paddock.
But it is also a bit 'rough and ready' and is not geared up for competitions of any sort, although the YO does hire her trailer for £10 a day.
I'm going to see it on Saturday, but am in such a quandry...


Well-Known Member
17 August 2009
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Move and be happier. In my experience Competition yards have lovely facilities and only the clique get to use whilst you pay for them!! Trailer hire is cheap and you can get your lessons in peace in the indoor.


Well-Known Member
18 January 2007
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Difficult to say. He's quite a happy guy really. But if he can get more turn out, that has to be a good thing. Save me a bomb in petrol too!
Problem is, the stables are very, very quiet compared to the buzzy barn he's in now, so if he does have to be in, he'd probably be a bit lonely...
Yes, you are right, I'll have to trust my gut on the day x


Well-Known Member
7 May 2008
Go see the yard. You wouldn't be contemplating it if you / your horse were entirely happy at existing yard - what do you have to lose.

Depends on what you ultimately want for your horse but for me, somewhere closer, cheaper with decent facilities and where my horse would be happy would win the day over any posh yard.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2009
Newcastle upon Tyne
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Agree with hiron86c. Your heart will tell you if you want to leave. If it's nearer home you could have more time with your horse/at home rather than travelling time. And if they hire transport, there's nothing stopping you still competing.

I'm all for saving money so I'd be tempted to move - cheaper livery and cheaper petrol

Go with your gut instinct though


Well-Known Member
7 May 2009
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From the tone of your post and the way you have pitched the current yard I sense you have already made up your mind but just need that extra little push to realise it. I think you are leaning more towards the new yard 5 minutes from your home.

Where ever you go there will always be things you have to sacrifice. I don't believe there is a 'perfect' yard. The fact the new yard is so much closer, you know someone there already, the hacking is better, there is an indoor school and a trailer so you can go anywhere to compete if you like all sounds like a good deal.

Have a look on Saturday and see what you think. Try to take note of your instant reaction to the place and have a think when you drive away.

The winter is coming and you will be glad of the shorter trek to the yard - believe me!


Well-Known Member
14 April 2002
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Going to see the new yard doesnt mean you have to move. I recently moved from a lovely yard with indoor stables and a huge outdoor school to an old dairy farm. The stables arent as nice and neither is the school but we are so much happier. Horses get all year t/o with as much or as little grass as needed, YO is lovely and so accomodating and there is no bitching. The horses dont care that the yard doesnt look as nice as the old one.
Someone else who moved to the new yard just after me has also said the same thing.
I wouldnt move back even if they paid me.


Well-Known Member
14 April 2009
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Generally agree with everything said so far. Have you also considered that the petrol and livery money you are saving could go into a pot to help toward transport fees (or maybe even your own trailer eventually). Good luck and trust your instincts x


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
My own planet
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If i was able to have my own choice of insturctor at the new yard - i would be off like a shot. I used to be on a competition yard and must admit it was not my cup of tea - I am a big softie with my horses, and like them out being horses with friends, i like them to have ad lib hay, and i like them to have "fun" when working. The comp yard was far too "hard core" for me and the poor horses were all miserable, and were allowed out for an hour a day in a tiny postage stamp field. I did not know a vice free horse their. And they werent competing at that higher a level either.