What to do? :/


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
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It is very strange. She sold a pony to a friend of mine who is at the same yard, so uses that as an excuse, although my friend no longer wants her near after hearing my trouble. We are planning on reporting it to the police, alongside the very unusual phone calls this evening from 2 men asking details about my mare.

She knows where I live, just as I know where she does. And I know the location where she has all of her horses.

I am not the first person. Any horse she sees underweight, she does the same with their owners, and forces them to hand over or sell, or be reported otherwise. She's a bully, and I won't allow anyone to back me into a corner and give up what means so much.


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
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Personally I would be knocking on her door with a baseball bat in hand and would find an expressive way of making my point.......

......however I suspect that may not be the recommended course in civilized society :rolleyes:.

Theoretically, this would be my number 1 choice! Although realistically, I don't think a bat and a little "lesson" is enough for the person she is!


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20 August 2007
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Op, I've just had a thought... You have expressed how your horses weight has started to improve, but your confusion relating to the rapidity of the initial loss with no illness. Where was your horse when the weight loss took place? Was she at this place your rented with your ' friend' who is now harassing you into selling the horse? And did the weight start to creep back on once you had moved away from that yard and her?


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
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Op, I've just had a thought... You have expressed how your horses weight has started to improve, but your confusion relating to the rapidity of the initial loss with no illness. Where was your horse when the weight loss took place? Was she at this place your rented with your ' friend' who is now harassing you into selling the horse? And did the weight start to creep back on once you had moved away from that yard and her?

I noticed slightly she started going downhill when she was there, she went from fit as a fiddle, to dropping her weight bit by bit. I thought nothing out of the ordinary as where she rented the fields were being churned up (as she had at least 13 horses herself on 24/7 turnout!), and the fields were consistently waterlogged when we had any slight rain, as they're prone to it due to the location.

However, I noticed she lost considerably half way through being at my new yard. During this, said person was always hanging about, or so I was told. Since she hasn't been around, it's started to creep back on, and everyone is now shocked by how quickly she has regained a lot of her weight..


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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You, for what? i would seriously consider contacting the police and informing her you have done so. if anyone sent me photos of them bringing my horse in without permission theyd be removing a crowbar from their nose. consider reportin her for neglectin her 13 others to follow you aboutx


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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I am not the first person. Any horse she sees underweight, she does the same with their owners, and forces them to hand over or sell, or be reported otherwise. She's a bully, and I won't allow anyone to back me into a corner and give up what means so much.

How the hell can she force people to sell to her? She must pick on some very wimpy people, who no common sense whatsoever. Let her report you to whosoever she wants to. You are working with your vet, so no charity would be able to do anything about removing the horse and logically, even if they could, she wouldn't get the horse, would she?
And where does she find all these underweight horses? I see far more overweight than underweight ones.
None of this makes any sense to me!


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
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How the hell can she force people to sell to her? She must pick on some very wimpy people, who no common sense whatsoever. Let her report you to whosoever she wants to. You are working with your vet, so no charity would be able to do anything about removing the horse and logically, even if they could, she wouldn't get the horse, would she?
And where does she find all these underweight horses? I see far more overweight than underweight ones.
None of this makes any sense to me!

She "claims" that she rescues RSPCA cases.. firstly, why would any charity randomly give someone an underweight, problematic horse when they have their own systems and centers to do so themselves?

She confessed to me that any horse she sees that is underweight, or is mistreated, has rain scald for example etc, she threatens that if they don't sell or handover, expect welfare officers or the RSPCA to be on their case.

Might I add she finds it "acceptable" to kick foals and yearlings when they refuse to move, puts severely ill 4-6 month old foals out in waterlogged fields, with torrential rain etc, and then say "ahh well" when one dies and the other collapses.

She really is awful. She gets these horses, puts a bit of weight on them, breaks them in, or so she thinks, within 2 weeks and sells them on and then gets another load in. I know she has started taking horses off dealers recently too.. Which is why I would NEVER EVER sell my girl to her. (That and my mare is like my other half! :) )


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
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How the hell can she force people to sell to her? She must pick on some very wimpy people, who no common sense whatsoever. Let her report you to whosoever she wants to. You are working with your vet, so no charity would be able to do anything about removing the horse and logically, even if they could, she wouldn't get the horse, would she?
And where does she find all these underweight horses? I see far more overweight than underweight ones.
None of this makes any sense to me!

Because she's very sly. She takes photos, gathers any info to make the person look as bad as possible and threatens to use anything and everything against them, in hope that the RSPCA/welfare officers, etc, hand the horse over to her.

The welfare officers she reported me to have already phoned me to say after thoroughly checking, and questioning everyone possible, they have no concerns whatsoever, and will not be in further contact!


Well-Known Member
21 July 2005
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I am going to go against the flow here, at the risk of upsetting people.. There are a lot of contraversal conversations on this forum and I choose to stay out of them but this is just something that smells bad to me.

You posted on the 02Dec that your mare was underweight and you listed what hard feed you were giving her and asking advice - now less than a week later you say she is not on any hard feed as your hard feed is 'on order'. You have known for a while that she is underweight so why not just go get some food??

You say that your vet advised no hard feed due to been overweight yet the pictures in your album show a healthy looking youngster but one that is certainly not in need of losing any weight- I wouldn't want a horse going in to the winter at the weight shown in those pics as there looks to be very little margin for error and it is always likely that horses wintered out will lose a little. How I'd you let her get underweight - why didn't you deal with it sooner?

You say that you check her daily when the yard is quiet to avoid the bitchiness - that instantly sounds like the defence of somebody who hasn't been to the yard as often as they should (if someone was messing with one of mine I'd be pretty much camped out at the yard not just popping down when it's quiet) Plus you said that you are helping a fellow livery re-back her pony so the two statements are slightly contradictory.

I don't doubt that this 'woman' is giving you unwanted attention and you are quick to slate her and her horses welfare (yet you classed her as a friend and kept your horse with her..) but I wonder if she has a genuine concern for your horse - why not post a current pic of your mare and let the people commenting on this post see for themselves because I am guessing she is in a bit of a sorry state. You protest a little too much for my liking - if somebody was doing to me even 10% of what you claim this woman is doing then I would have taken all the necessary action to sort it long before now, but maybe she just wants your horse because it is thin, suffering from mud fever and being pretty much ignored in a boggy field for the weeks it must have taken to drop the weight.. But if I'm wrong post the pic and I'll gladly apologise :)


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
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I am going to go against the flow here, at the risk of upsetting people.. There are a lot of contraversal conversations on this forum and I choose to stay out of them but this is just something that smells bad to me.

You posted on the 02Dec that your mare was underweight and you listed what hard feed you were giving her and asking advice - now less than a week later you say she is not on any hard feed as your hard feed is 'on order'. You have known for a while that she is underweight so why not just go get some food??

You say that your vet advised no hard feed due to been overweight yet the pictures in your album show a healthy looking youngster but one that is certainly not in need of losing any weight- I wouldn't want a horse going in to the winter at the weight shown in those pics as there looks to be very little margin for error and it is always likely that horses wintered out will lose a little. How I'd you let her get underweight - why didn't you deal with it sooner?

You say that you check her daily when the yard is quiet to avoid the bitchiness - that instantly sounds like the defence of somebody who hasn't been to the yard as often as they should (if someone was messing with one of mine I'd be pretty much camped out at the yard not just popping down when it's quiet) Plus you said that you are helping a fellow livery re-back her pony so the two statements are slightly contradictory.

I don't doubt that this 'woman' is giving you unwanted attention and you are quick to slate her and her horses welfare (yet you classed her as a friend and kept your horse with her..) but I wonder if she has a genuine concern for your horse - why not post a current pic of your mare and let the people commenting on this post see for themselves because I am guessing she is in a bit of a sorry state. You protest a little too much for my liking - if somebody was doing to me even 10% of what you claim this woman is doing then I would have taken all the necessary action to sort it long before now, but maybe she just wants your horse because it is thin, suffering from mud fever and being pretty much ignored in a boggy field for the weeks it must have taken to drop the weight.. But if I'm wrong post the pic and I'll gladly apologise :)

The "asking for feed advice" is more recent. She IS on hard feed, and has been for well over a week. She is on sugabeet, chaff, mix and 365 powder, as stated in this question, if you read through. Although, I will gradually be changing to micronised linseed and bran, with her 365 powder.

Might I add, those pictures were of April time, when I FIRST had her transported over from England. I will add a video up that shows her not even half the size she was. And by vet's order she was to be taken off feed as there was excessive weight on her legs, as she only has fine legs, she couldn't withstand holding herself up. Which, I believe, this is very cruel and commenced with my vet's orders! Might I add, I dealt with it, but we believe there is an underlying problem, which I am currently paying for all tests to be done!

Yes I do, but seeing as I work 11-5 practically every day, the only times I can check and sort her out and VERY early mornings and LATE nights. Everyone at the yard are up from 9, and are gone by 3pm. Also, might I add, I live not too far from a fellow friend (whom owns this pony I am re-backing) and it's only recently that she's coming up very early mornings with me. Therefore, I have offered to help when she asked.

Yes, I am quick to slate because she WAS a 'friend', and I worked with her for months. Every day I seen something different, and surprising. And her confessions of what she does to get these horses are atrocious! A sorry state!? Might I add she is under a vet's care and attention, and I have everyone I need to prove she is fit and healthy.

As I have said, when I have 5 minutes to take pictures (which I will do so tomorrow), I shall. And would you also like any messages, etc of proof of threats and blackmail, simply because she wants my mare and her daughter likes my mare also?

Really have nerve, no offense intended when I say this, but you do. She is PRONE to mud fever, and was exactly the same with her previous owners. Would you like their statements too? I am up EVERY SINGLE DAY! Not that you would know. She is NOT thin, she was slightly underweight, due to weather, and current water conditions of the field, all in which have moved to a bigger and better field, might I add. She is NOT ignored THANK YOU!!


Well-Known Member
21 July 2005
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Your opening post on this thread states that she is NOT on any feed. You contradict yourself quite frequently.

No vet worth their qualification would suggest that a 3 year old have no feed - at the very least she would require feed balancer or vit/min supplement to ensure that she is actually receiving what she needs.

As I said if I am way off the mark then I will apologise - and I hope that is the case as I don't like to think of a thin, miserable horse horse suffering mud fever in a muddy field in this wet and horrible winter. I would far rather that she is a well cared for, happy horse and that I am just a suspicious paranoid Fool :)


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
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Your opening post on this thread states that she is NOT on any feed. You contradict yourself quite frequently.

No vet worth their qualification would suggest that a 3 year old have no feed - at the very least she would require feed balancer or vit/min supplement to ensure that she is actually receiving what she needs.

As I said if I am way off the mark then I will apologise - and I hope that is the case as I don't like to think of a thin, miserable horse horse suffering mud fever in a muddy field in this wet and horrible winter. I would far rather that she is a well cared for, happy horse and that I am just a suspicious paranoid Fool :)

This is because this is the OLDER post, and the "feeding advice" is the most recent post! She is on a vit/min balancer. Might I add, you can't put ever vet under the same category, My mare was SEVERELY overweight. Would you like me to have kept her on grass, hay and feed for her to eventually collapse under her own weight? As that was where she was heading!

My mare is everything to me, I couldn't bare to see her in a sorry state, hence why I'm ordering tests to double check, she's having all worm counts just to be safe, and is back on fed, which will be gradually changed to something molasses free and high fiber.

Unfortunately she is mud fever prone, just as she is prone to sweet itch :(

Sorry if I sounded offensive or irrational, just had so much to cope with, aside from the legal cases, haven't slept in weeks since she deteriorated :(


Well-Known Member
27 February 2012
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Based purely on first post. Go to the police and then take out a harassment order (police told us to do this as a separate thing not through them)
We had a nutjob at ours.
Thankfully stopped when the police visited her at home and work, before having to take out an order.
Keep diary of anything happening and collect anything sent. Don't respond to anything.
Report to police every single time.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2009
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Yes, but now losing her weight and highly restricted grazing, unless I want to walk her through knee high water many times a day (which is unfair with her current thrush), I'm putting more hay in to replace the lack of grazing in the current situation.

It wasn't a NZ type, and it was torn along her back. She is shod, but surely she couldn't reach her back!? Not in small haynets, small holed meant to say, they're large haynets. She will be on hard feed as of tomorrow, as it will be delivered then, so she can start regaining her condition appropriately.

When her mud fever does come into play, especially when turned out, she has her legs washed off, and her feet, and is towel dried until clean and dry, then appropriate medication/ointment used. Also thinking of investing in a pair of turn out boots..

the worst thing you can do with mud fever is apply water to it because it helps the mud fever spread even more as it needs to keep it bone dry, so in an ideal world if she is constantly turned out to just leave the mud on her until she is brought to brush it off when dry or even get her turn out chaps for her?


Well-Known Member
20 April 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
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the worst thing you can do with mud fever is apply water to it because it helps the mud fever spread even more as it needs to keep it bone dry, so in an ideal world if she is constantly turned out to just leave the mud on her until she is brought to brush it off when dry or even get her turn out chaps for her?

I've actually managed to clear her mud fever up, so far so good. I've been looking into getting turnout boots/chaps, but will need to measure her for size. Have had mixed opinions on them, some saying to leave her, others saying to buy some..