What turnout rugs do you use on wet nights at this time of year?


Well-Known Member
10 April 2009
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The clipped horse occasionally in a mark todd rainsheet (fab rug, yet to leak in the heaviest of showers) and the retiree is naked and will be all winter!


Well-Known Member
14 April 2011
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Mine is mostly naked at the moment with a rainsheet when the rain and wind is constant due to lack of shelter in field (if there was lots of shelter think I'd be mean and leave without). BUT he is a native and I'm watching his waistline! Highest weight I'll put on him before I clip is his 40g fal pro. It's great for standing up to days of pouring rain and in fact is what he wore for most of last winter even post trace clip (Had a 200g on for maybe a month in Jan / Feb time?). I would agree with replacing / reproofing a leaky rug


Well-Known Member
17 September 2009
East Anglia
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No rugs yet as I do not consider it to be cold and they are not going to disolve in a bit of rain. Mine all have natural hairy coats to keep them dry and warm!


Well-Known Member
6 September 2008
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mine are naked, tb is in at night as can't be trusted to be rugged and stay in his pen and tbx is living out all winter so I don't want to rug to early. They have both been out during some horrid rain and have been perfectly fine and warm.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2008
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Mine is in a 40g PE rug and is always warm and dry. This rug has never leaked. On Monday we had sustained heavy rain and it was quite chilly, most of the horses were either begging to come in or huddled in the trees, these were cobs, welsh, fells and fjords so hardy unclipped types. Mine was happily grazing in the middle of the field and had to be dragged in!

The rug was bone dry inside and I was able to put it back on after riding.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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Only my old cob who's been unwell the last few weeks has a rainsheet on here. Highlands are cavorting around in their birthday suits as usual...


Well-Known Member
29 October 2010
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mines in a nice warm stable at night and out all day - naked.

i don't rug until october time to be honest... if she even needs it - -
when shes in over winter she will have a rug on but shes out of work so i refuse to over rug - she has plenty of fat and will grow a nice coat herself

id rather her be a bit cold that too hot :D


Well-Known Member
3 April 2008
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I use a 40g Premier Equine turnout which i got in a sale. Its 100D so quite tough and has yet to let me down! My horse was out in it all day on Monday and apart from his chest where the sheer amount of rain had gone down his neck he was bone dry. (unlike our other in his brand new 600d rainsheet)


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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OP. I'm really confused. You have stated in other posts that you have been around horses for over 30 years and yet you are asking a question like this? Why don't you have a look at the adverts and spec and decide based on that. Also, you are apparently out of work and broke, but you are looking to buy another rug? Get some tent spray and rewaterproof your existing one. Cost will be under a tenner.


Well-Known Member
28 July 2010
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OP. I'm really confused. You have stated in other posts that you have been around horses for over 30 years and yet you are asking a question like this? Why don't you have a look at the adverts and spec and decide based on that. Also, you are apparently out of work and broke, but you are looking to buy another rug? Get some tent spray and rewaterproof your existing one. Cost will be under a tenner.

I think that's perhaps nitpicking on OP a little tbh.


Well-Known Member
4 March 2008
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My TB is in Premier Equine no fill with neck and during the solid rain we've had for the last 48 hours it's not leaked at all. She's out at night and in during the day with nothing on. It's not cold so she'd be too hot in any more than a no fill at the moment but just want to keep the rain off.


Well-Known Member
26 June 2008
Picardie France
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Mine are both out rugless and will be until about end of october, weather permitting, when younger will have a no fill lightweight turnout rug (for rain normally as it rains non stop october/november time) and the oldie has a medium weight turnout rug.


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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I sent mine off to be professionally reproofed - never again. It came back just as leaky as before I sent it away.

Perhaps they didn't actually reproof it - washed it and then either forgot, or hoped it was ok previously and you wouldn't notice!


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
Solihull, West Mids
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Maybe try reproofing your rug if it is leaking that much?
that's the thing though it was reproofed last year at a cost of about £14 and I didn't think it had been done correctly as the material went all soft and weird. But Dad suggested putting a pool of water on top of the rug when it was lying on the grass and it didn't go through the rug so i think it was proofed. I also got the other wet one done at the same time. This is the first time both have been worn since ithey were reproofed last year.

Maybe the constant rain just got through them. Thank goodness I have three lightweights!


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
Solihull, West Mids
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OP. I'm really confused. You have stated in other posts that you have been around horses for over 30 years and yet you are asking a question like this? Why don't you have a look at the adverts and spec and decide based on that. Also, you are apparently out of work and broke, but you are looking to buy another rug? Get some tent spray and rewaterproof your existing one. Cost will be under a tenner.

As meatloaf would say '51 out of 52 ain't bad!' lol
I am just curious if anyone else's rug leaked.
I have been around horses for 30 years, but don't you know Fatpiggy you never stop learning with horses no matter how much you think you know, unlike some who consider themselves know it alls of course :) :)
I have used the reprooof stuff before and it wasn't effective.
Dad kindly offered to buy me a rug (I was actually looking at a lightweight with a neck as horse has a bit of stiffness and I wanted his neck warm and dry).
I didn't say I was broke - I have plenty of savings but I am careful with money. If this is going back to the saddle post then I think I am allowed to consider getting money for something that was unfit for purpose - however much this obviously irks some people.
I am glad I am not as nasty as you in my replies......:(

Thank you for the sensible and kind replies to my post (the 51 of you)
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Well-Known Member
1 July 2009
South Gloucestershire
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Mine has been in a 100g combo the last couple of nights, its a really handy rug for when it gets a bit chilly. He's got an assortment of no fills with standard necks and combos for this time of year, none have leaked and that's with going in the washing machine a lot.


Well-Known Member
20 January 2009
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I sent mine off to be professionally reproofed - never again. It came back just as leaky as before I sent it away.

I sent off a leaky ones and they came back non-leaky. I think you get what you pay for with rug cleaning, mine were done at Ingatestone and cost a king's ransom but still cheaper than buying a number of new rugs.

In answer to the original question, I'm using a fetching Joules stripy number with no fill and so far it's holding up very well along with looking snazzy.


Well-Known Member
10 September 2012
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naked and very happy!
yesterday and monday were horrible and brought the big man in when the rain stopped he was already completely dry within 10 min. of the rain the stopping.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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Mine has been in a 100g combo the last couple of nights, its a really handy rug for when it gets a bit chilly..

One of mine is in a fly rug and the other is unrugged at the moment but I agree that a 100g is an incredibly useful rug to have, I use mine more than any other weight. Shires do a decent one at a good price


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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As meatloaf would say '51 out of 52 ain't bad!' lol
I am just curious if anyone else's rug leaked.
I have been around horses for 30 years, but don't you know Fatpiggy you never stop learning with horses no matter how much you think you know, unlike some who consider themselves know it alls of course :) :)
I have used the reprooof stuff before and it wasn't effective.
Dad kindly offered to buy me a rug (I was actually looking at a lightweight with a neck as horse has a bit of stiffness and I wanted his neck warm and dry).
I didn't say I was broke - I have plenty of savings but I am careful with money. If this is going back to the saddle post then I think I am allowed to consider getting money for something that was unfit for purpose - however much this obviously irks some people.
I am glad I am not as nasty as you in my replies......:(

Thank you for the sensible and kind replies to my post (the 51 of you)

THat is so funny , you previously thanked me for not being a bully on another of your entirely weird posts. The only person who contradicts themselves as frequently as you in public is that awful Liz Jones woman who pretends to write "articles" for the Daily Fail and is universally hated by everyone who crosses her path.

No-one knows everything but there are some people who clearly know very little, in spite of the passage of time. As you have previously told us how you advise all the other liveries on your yard, you clearly count yourself as someone who is a know-all.

Good job you can tap your parents for information and cash. I stopped doing that when I left home at 17 and stood on my own two feet.