rubber, not sure how I use to manage with anything else but do think they might have made my hands a bit lazy. Rode someone elses in some continentals the other day and they were constantly slipping as quite a strong pone.
found that 1/2 rubber is nice but doesn't last that long
I usually use rubber as my boy is pretty strong. However, I got a pair of really soft, like handbag leather, reins last summer as was sick of being overheated in gloves. They're brilliant!
I've stopped using them for SJ though, since they slipped in a jump off and cost me a win.
Overdosing on mane conditioner could have been a contributing factor too..........
Love plaited reins as theres enough grip without losing a little flex. Kinda agree with sustainable dressage site, rubber reins make sence in the wet but hate them rest of the time but not having my own I don't complain with what I'm given! lol
depends on the horse. On one that doesn't pull, rubber. On one that does, continental. For double reins, 1 pair skinny continental, 1 pair haftex event reins.
XC and SJ - stubben rubber
DR - half rubber reins
Home - rubber or continental
Double jumping - rubber and half rubber
Double dr - half rubber and plain
Maiden (hack only) - bog-standard rubber, but would like to afford some smooth Jeffries Eventa type ones.
Berlin - rubber at the moment as he broke his laced ones when he chucked me off, ran home and stood on them on the way.
Kit - one set rubber, one set plain. Rubber ones if I'm using one set.
I prefer laced reins for flatwork as I find them easier to hold. Half rubber is ok too. For hacking, SJ, XC etc. I have to have full rubber (bog-stanbdard or smooth).
I ride a horse at work who has the Jeffries Bio-Grip ones, they took me ages to get used to as they are just so wibbly!!
I like leather with leather hand stops, but my god its hard to find them! The Albion nubuck reins are lovely and I'm thinking of treating myself to a set.
I have half rubber reins and plain reins on doubles/pelhams, my snaffle has rubber - don't really like them but they served a purpose at the time and theres nothing wrong with them so they are staying on that bridle.
I use Gummi reins and half lined rubber reins. I have rubber and laced reins too but don't like continental reins as they are a bugger to clean or really thick rubber reins.