What was it that drew you to buy your horse ?


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11 February 2011
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When I went to see my boy, he was the opposite of what I wanted, but with a small budget andwilling to try anything that had a kind face. He has just turned five, and I wasn't going 'wow' when I saw him, but I rode him and he was perfect to be ridden, and very honest.

We had a little jump that he'd never done before and a canter across the field, and I left not being able to fault him, but not being drawn to him either. I however after seeing one more horrible horse that day, called the lady on my way home and said I would like to buy him.
I took him home about a week and a bit later, even though he failed his vetting and he has been a joy ever since.

It took a long time for me to really gel with him. Not because it was his fault, but because I think I still missed my previous horse. But now we are a complete team, and its great!
Wouldn't swap him for anything in the world, and everyone always wonders how I got such a wonderful horse. <3 x x x


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14 January 2010
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My horse had come to our yard for somebody else who decided that he was too green for them. He was only four. I was looking for an older schoolmaster and has discounted him for me. I remember i was standing by his box drinking a bottle of diet coke. He reached over and took it from my hand and downed it! He was a bit green for me but really hasn't put a hoof wrong and I have still got him four years later and will never sell him.


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27 August 2008
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I went to Holland looking for a 4/5yr old that would be ready to go in the ring and compete at 1m. I came home with an unbroken 3 yr old. I tried so many in the two days, and the guy I was with had a 6yr old he wanted my friend to look at back at his yard, and this runty little 3 yr old (exactly what I didn't want) was there. The three year old was so sweet and inquisitive, wanting to know who I was, we'd made friends before I saw him loose jump....

For me it has to be temperment and character followed by potential/ability. Type didn't come into it - this stood at about 15hh and looked like his dam smoked throughout her preganancy - but he was pretty, well bred and passed the vet. With him it was a gut feeling that we'd do well together, which we did.


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25 July 2007
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I had to really think about this as when I went and tried him, I had walked away saying he was too green for what I wanted as I was recovering from a badly fractured ankle. He couldn't go in a straight line, threw himself into the most unbalance canter (nearly taking my nose out) he was also chestnut with a white face (does nothing for me) and quite plain looking

However I had done over a 1000 miles seeing horses that were just awful, lame or mad and had one fail the vet. Micah was the most 'quality horse' out of all of them, movement was lovely
On the way home my friend said yes but what did he do wrong??? I couldn't think of anything.
I rang back and said I would like to come back tomorrow and ride him again

He still looked plain and ordinary in the stable, but tacked up a different horse.
Took him in the outdoor and was chased by a barking dog, which he ignored, it was very windy and again he didn't do anything wrong

So I said I would have him

A few weeks at home and his character started to show through, his coat gleemed, he looked so different, he now had that look at me :D

Never regretted it for a minute


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23 July 2006
I'd been admiring him at the yard for months before I decided to buy a horse. I discussed livery with the YM, and a couple of days later (presumably after a conversation with YO and RI) I was told they'd a horse for sale that might suit and she brought out the horse I'd been admiring!

He was tall (I'm 6'2"), and very friendly, and felt comfy when I sat up on him. I've had him for 2 years now :D


Well-Known Member
10 September 2010
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I think its a massive gamble buying a horse and you need a lot of luck. I was very lucky to find him. :)

I wanted a 7-8 year old, well schooled gelding... I bough a 3 year old, unbacked stallion!!!

I just fell in love with him when I looked into his eyes!! He has got the most kind eyes! To be honest, it really could have been an absolute disaster! And completely agree, I was VERY lucky with him!!

Fortunately, my boy was fab to back and break! He is now the horse of my dreams... A 7 year old well schooled Gelding!!! I can't imagine not having him and going through all of the hard work I went through in the beggining, has made me appreciate what I have now!! :D He's my Super Star!! x x


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17 November 2009
West Sussex almost Hants
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she did this. I was looking for project (preferred Welsh cob) I didn't even go to market that day got dragged up when some one spotted her love instantly. She has given me the biggest emotional rollarcoster I have had with her, she's also no longer for sale, people who inquired wasn't suitable. Look like she's staying again........


Well-Known Member
11 February 2010
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For me I looked at my life one day and thought "you know what you have too much time and money" bought a horse, problem solved

Miss L Toe

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6 July 2009
On the dark side, Scotland
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we went to a dealers yard to look for a nice 10 year old 15hh that had done some showjumping etc nice temperment blahh blahh blahhh... came out with a 2 year old, because he didnt have a snotty nose haha and they put him in the school stuck up a 5ft parallel walked out of the school and he flew it... we came back an hour later and bought him :) not exactly what we were looking for... hes now 17.2hh and we have owned him for 7 years and never regretted it :) all because he was the only horse that didnt have a snotty nose :)
OMG, you were lucky, I would run a mile, jump in to the sea and swim the Channel rather than buy from a dealers yard with snotty horses ... see my "yard has been negligent post", four months on my horse is still not back to full health and fitness.


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2 April 2009
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Went to dealer in Ireland to look at a 10 year old 16.3 ID x Shire advertised as ex-sj wanting to retire to slower hacking life...came home with 3 year old 14.3hh heavy cob who was terrified of his own shadow, wouldn't lift his feet, cold backed, spooky and turned out blind on one eye!!!

Best money I ever spent..7 years on and I have the most amazingly fun, fast, brave, honest and fabulous little horse ever!! Wouldn't change him for the world..

AND the horse I went to see??? Friend bought him...now an expensive field ornament because he won't hack out alone, bucks and dumps her at any oppertunity and is an old round pain in the bum..beautiful but opinionated!!


Well-Known Member
27 September 2010
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I went to see another orginally when I saw him lurking in the corner, I asked if there was anything else I could see and luckily she dragged him out of his stable! She stood him up whilst I had a good luck around him and she dropped his leadrope, he picked it straight back up again, I knew this one had plenty of character for me :D would not change him for the world


Well-Known Member
15 November 2010
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I wasn't fussed about going to see Ruby, my YO joined a group of FB and she was advertised on there. Yo wanted me to go and see her and she said she had a good vibe. I thought she sounded ok, didn't wow me but didn't hate her so I rung up. she was only 20 mins down the road from me so no harm in looking.

Got there, I thought she was pretty but again didn't wow me, tacked up and rode, I liked her didn't love her though. Until we got to a big open field (I am a nervy rider in open spaces) and I just felt so safe with her, I just knew she would take care of me, despite only being 6. Then on the way home got overtaken by 3 fire engines in a row and didn't batter an eyelid!

Went back for the second viewing, boxed her to a place she had never been before and schooled her, felt so so safe! saw her a 3rd time and hacked in company, didn't put a foot out of line. I put the deposit down and she passed her 5* vetting.

Iv'e had her for 3 weeks and I don't regret buying her :D she's also now very pretty now Iv'e tidied her up and I can't wait to start having lessons and continue building a bond


Well-Known Member
9 August 2010
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People wont understand but i feel as if i click with horses and can almost comunicate with them more like i get attatched. With rosie i didn't maybe i didn't let muself but im over the moon i have her and she is my best friend who is staying with me for life


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25 February 2008
North Cumbria
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She was sharp but very sane, good straight paces, good to hack and load, well bred, conformationally good.
Fantastic level temperment and very pretty :D
I just clicked!


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2 July 2009
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I wanted a chunky, sensible horse to have some fun on, my main criteria was absolutely no tbs.
So I ended up with a tb, who's an ex flater racer & very sharp & spooky but she's a lovely horse who's part of the furtuture now.
I'd have to win the lotery to be able to afford what I actually wanted.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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Went to a horse sale with a friend who was doing welfare checks, looked at the list, saw a polo pony and thought I would have a look just out of interest. He was half starved, ears back and bit me. A lumping great man JUMPED on him from the ground and cantered about on him, you coul dhear the poor old boys joints creaking and clicking. Friend and I looked at each other and phoned our OH's and bid.

Hes been the best small amount of money ever spent, I still have him 12 years on, he is 30 now and I will never find another like him.


22 January 2003
East Renfrewshire, Scotland
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Went to see something completely different, saw my boy on the yard looking scruffy & thought I definitely don't want that! Ended up trying him anyway & just fell in love with his willingness/honesty & way of going. Paid a deposit there & then and he was delivered a couple of days later.
There is nothing he won't do, he's my horse of a lifetime. Handsome is as handsome does, eh?!


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7 June 2007
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He was a sensible, forward thinking 4 year old with a lovely attitude.
When he jumped, he was surprisingly athletic for such a big boy - and the 5 stage vetting cinched it :D


Well-Known Member
20 May 2010
Farnham, Surrey. But from Scotland
he was big enough (I have long legs that make most horses look a bit small silly issue i know but it bugged me) He was right price and most important. He let me cuddle him. I need a horse that will enjoy my company and be my best friend. He didnt know me but let me hug him and he was a fab choice. Even though I took a huge risk and bought him lame!! Once sound hes never let me down I will have had him a yr nxt month and just had him do 1st dressage test yesterday :D