what would be the best decision ?


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13 April 2006
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Well ive been applying for full time positions with horses since i finished my A levels in 2009 but with no success then 2 have come at once.

1) Working for a dressage rider as her groom doing general yard jobs, exercising, going with her to competitions. Offers training. Its 30 minutes away and living in could be possible however the wages are lowever then what im on now and im struggling on what im getting at the moment.

(i have an interview for this job on friday)

2) Working as a trainee groom on a busy yard where they will put me through NVQ's and BHS exams. Chance to join pony club and compete. Again 30 minutes away in the opposite direction. Live in position and there is room for me to take both of my horses. Not sure on the wage i will be on as they seemed a bit vage when i asked.

(i have an interview next week )

Im going to go for both incase im not what they are looking for. But if i am exepted for both i dont know which one will be more benificial to me? ive already worked at riding schools so that would proberbly come naturaly to me but would i gain invaluable experience working for one rider?

what would you do if you had the choice ?


Well-Known Member
12 October 2009
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Hey, i wouldnt make any decisions before you go to the interveiws! Then at least you know what the yards are like.

What do you want to do with horses? Because being put through the stages and NVQs could be invaluable to you if you want to go into yard management/head groom where you exercise the horses for the owners and also will be a push towards being an instructor. But if they are putting you through your stages etc i would say the pay will be awful, my friend gets a lot less than minimum wage and is doing the same thing, but she thinks it is worth it to get the experience and quilifications, seeing as that is what she wants to do and she lives on site! Do you mind me asking where job 2 is? Can PM if you prefer on not answer (Just cause i saw you are in the midlands). Good luck at the interveiws anyway! If dressage is your "thing" i would be looking more at that yard if i was in your position


Well-Known Member
21 January 2009
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Visit both and ask lots of questions. Pin down exactly what is required of you and what you get in return and then compare. Also, are the people giving the training any good? Do you like the yard? The atmosphere and working conditions? What time off do you get? etc etc.

Option 2 sounds like it would give you more varied experience with the back up of qualifications. option 1 may be lonelier and lower wages are an issue