What would you do with this field?


Well-Known Member
6 November 2012
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The local farmer is coming to cut one field for hay, this particular field can only be accessed by a footbridge. A ride on mower might get over but not a tractor. There are only 4.5 acres in total with the 3 fields but too much grass for my 3

how about if someone local who does paddock maint work - they may have a quad with mower / topper attachment? much smaller than a tractor and probably not much bigger than ride on mower?


Well-Known Member
26 January 2021
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I put an add on fb last night and I will have a search for local paddock maintenance today. Top and bottom of it is that I am going to leave them where they are for now. I know Mary thi ks she is being starved because she broke into a sectioned off area yesterday ? despite there being more than enough. I feel a sense of relief that I don't have to worry about them in there. I will sort a regular field maintenance person and keep them all short now. We may have to invest in a new mower ourselves