What would you do?


Well-Known Member
5 December 2006
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that same thing happened down my old yard. there was a girl who used to use my brushes and then put them back in her grooming box!! i got so fed up of this me and my friend took some of her brushes and put them in my grooming box. she then went in a a mardy asking why i had moved her brushes!

so i just told her the truth and it never happened again after that!! other people down the yard used to nick my stuff as well such as mane and tail spray, knives etc so locked it up!!

what really peed me off was when i came down the yard to find someone had taken my bot knife to open a bale of hay and the blade had snapped. they promised to replace it but they never did.

best thing i did was move yards and just locked up as a tempory measure


Well-Known Member
18 September 2006
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Firstly ........ id lock everything up......... trust me ...... i used to be at horsey college and EVERYTHING was locked up!...... People break stuff and 9 times out of 10 they wont replace it. Aand by the sounds of things doesnt sound like the people on your yard would either.

Your not being petty in my opinion.... all these horsey things cost alot! of money..... so why shld they feel the need to lock stuff up then cos their tooooo blumming lazy not get off their bums to unlock it instead.

And with the underlying tention I would move yards....... this is your hobby and your pleasure you SHLD not be made to feel unwelcome in the slightest

best of luck and hope it all gets sorted out


Well-Known Member
23 February 2006
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Good grief, how do you put up with that?
It would drive me mad, I don't mind people borrowing stuff but they are completely taking the pee.
I would definately lock everything up and start searching for a new yard.

I am lucky, I have just moved to a really nice yard where I no longer have to lock my stuff up, including my feed bin, incase the other liveries take a fancy to it.


Well-Known Member
14 April 2002
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There are 3 options that you have either

1. move yards
2. Play them at their own game and lock everything up
3. try talking to them.

Would it be worth explaining to them that you are considering locking up all your things as they keep going missing. You could also try to explain that it has caused an atmosphere between you and could you start again. If that fails then I would play them at their own game and be twice as good.


Well-Known Member
15 June 2005
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I know this does not solve all your problems but the water for your feed that sits by your bin, I would use a 5 litre water bottle that you buy in Tesco, only a couple of quid and there is never any risk of it spilling. I use it in our feedroom.

As for people borrowing your stuff.. My mother used to say 'Never a lender or a borrower be' and it is very true, I don't borrow and I try my best not to lend, unless I know the person won't lose or break it. All my tack is locked up and I can't believe you don't lock up all your stuff, given how bad the yard is.

As for your jumps, why not chain them up if that is what others do!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Thing is they are really nice to your face but do things on the sly and i feel like i cant approach them about stuff.

I have said the odd sarcastic comment but it just goes over their heads, either that or they are choosing to ignore it.

One of them was moaning at me the other day for blocking the drain with hay (apparently from where i tip my water bucket out) she said 'i know i am moaning' and i said 'whats new there then' and she just said 'well i need to keep you in check' and laughed it off but i just kept a straight face and walked away. Anyway i went to clean the drain out and it was full of leaves from the trees, not one bit of hay was in it but i still got the blame anyway.

She also had a moan coz i had a delivery and a few bales were blocking the gang way (friends dad took it for me when i was at work). She told me that they had been blocking it for days but in actual fact i moved them the same day
I argued my case but she got stroppy and started moaning about something else as she knew i was right.

I am quite a laid back person and i let a lot of things go over my head for an easy life really. Thing is i really like the yard, it has loads of grazing for our horses, a sand school and a jumping paddock and the YO is never there so i try and ignore most things so that there isn't an atmosphere. Like i said though when things are said they just get ignored anyway. Also me and my friend are the minority so would feel like the outsiders if it all kicked off.

I serioulsy dont want to be petty but they are making it hard


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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Move yards

Lock up everything

Am very lucky where I am now, we all get on well and can and do borrow from one another. I forgot my saddle last week - had taken it home for cleaning and left it there
but I borrowed the pony nearest in size for a few minutes. Her owner borrows my back protector as they don't have one. When you can have give and take and things are replaced and treated with respect great, other situations - no one has anything of mine!