What would you do...


Well-Known Member
12 June 2011
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Thanks to the text about this petty situation which escalated I couldn't concentrate on my work.I have decided to move yards.I came on here for advice,not insults and have been up since 5 everyday this week,as I have been since September!therefore am very tired and don't expect all this trouble at the yard.I try and keep my head down but apparently that isn't working either so I give up and am not returning to this forum ever again!

Rosie Round The Hills

Well-Known Member
18 May 2010
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Thanks to the text about this petty situation which escalated I couldn't concentrate on my work.I have decided to move yards.I came on here for advice,not insults and have been up since 5 everyday this week,as I have been since September!therefore am very tired and don't expect all this trouble at the yard.I try and keep my head down but apparently that isn't working either so I give up and am not returning to this forum ever again!

.........slams door behind her...........


Well-Known Member
3 December 2008
Wow, OP, how charming.
Anyway, I think that the incident has been blown out of all proportion and maybe a chat with the YO and the other livery is in order.
As to getting text from your YO at work... well, why wouldn't they text you at work? I mean, it is your horse and you do have some responsibility for it, and the YO does need to keep you informed. So getting a text whenever is not really unexpected, is it? Maybe its content leaves a bit to be desired, but the sole issue of getting one shouldn't worry you.


Well-Known Member
5 September 2008
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Sorry, but I'd want to be contacted about anything to do with my horse, work or not. It all sounds totally blown out of proportion and IMO you have two choices:

1. Be extremely nice to everyone, try to tackle the issues face to face over chocoloate or similar if you'd like to stay on the yard.

2. Move yards and learn from the experience. Unfortunately livery yards are mostly frequented by women, women can be hormonal (I should know I am one) and therefore things can get very nasty/bitchy etc all around. I believe in "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all". Works well for me.

Finally, in all honesty if you've flown off the handle with the people at the yard the way you have with people on here who are trying to point out things with a view to helping you, I'm not surprised you've had problems! Diplomacy and tact go a long way all round!


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Amymay you really should read your emails before acting all inocent! Calling OP Juvanile and then saying its not rocket science is very obviously uncalled for. The poor girl was only asking for advice - why do some people on here have to act all holier than thou all the time! We have all said something we later regret! Oh sorry perhaps you have not - I bow to your perfectness.

But the situation is juvenile, and it's not rocket science.

All you need is a YO with a modicum of common sense, organisation, and a zero tolerance on yard politics and bitchiness - and you end up with a professionally run and pleasant yard.

It's not being holier than though - just common sense.

There are some very badly run yards out there - I'm lucky to have only been on well run yards, where the simplest - non complicated - rules apply. I guess I've been spoilt.

But the key to good relationships with any group of people is communication, tolerance, understanding, organisation and give and take. None of which seems to be displayed according to the original post.