Well-Known Member
Hi all, so as the tile really. I’m turning away my 15.2hh 5yr old lightweight ISH type gelding for the majority of winter - November to February. So he can mature. As a break because he had a slow couple years of ridden work. He is currently fed dengie Alfa a oil and baileys top line mix no17. He gets 2 stub scoop of chaff a day and 1stubb scoop of baileys, this is usually split between two feeds morning and evening. He will be in overnight from 6pm to 7am with ad lib hay. I was thinking would the dengie Alfa a oil just be ok for his break? What would anyone else recommend? he’s on the fence of being a poor doer so would ideally need something that has condition in mind. Not got any allergies etc. Don’t mind anything with soya, alfalfa etc etc. Can be quite fussy but nothing extreme. Hope someone can help! Thank you.