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Well-Known Member
22 July 2006
Kent, South East
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I was on ebay today just pondering about, wondering what I could buy next. Then I realised that some aspects of equestrian items are in demand on ebay, the recent one being hackamores! But is there anything you would like more of on ebay mainly for your equestrian needs, but normal needs aswell (and wants
) I am planning to start a little business and would love if it had something to do with equestianism (if its a word)
Leave any thoughts, opinions


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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I don't think people realise how much stuff they have both in the tack room and in their houses. I have sold loads of videos that my daughter has outgrown - Disney. I have sold about 3 things for my friend. She is up to £114 already minus the fees of course. But it can be money easily made and I do enjoy doing it. I have been looking for cheapy rugs for my filly. She is growing so quickly she won't be in them long and don't want to spend a fortune on them. But I am sure a lot of people have rugs and other stuff they don't use, their horses have outgrown, need a small repair, have updated. Do people really need all the stuff they have. Maybe offer a swapshop service (sorry showing my age there!!!). ie swap a 5'3" rug for a 6' one. Or swap one type of bridle or whatever for another. Act as a "gobetween" and make some some that way. Good luck with your venture.