What's your attitude to falling off?


Well-Known Member
23 October 2008
I rode as a child and hardly ever fell off. If I did I was expected to get up and get back on without a fuss and that is what I did. I think adults tend to hit the ground harder >g< The first time I was winded I thought I was going to die. The second time I knew what was happening, wasn't too worried and lay there until it had passed, then realised I couldn't move at all. I'd broken my back. Thankfully I recovered. I don't want to have another serious injury, I always wear a body protector and am saving for one of those inflatable jackets. When I've got it I will wear it every time I get on the horse, accidents can happen when you least expect them and I do not want to be permanently paralysed.


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6 December 2010
Herefordshire, England
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I'm quite afraid of falling off, possibly due to learning to ride on a 16.2hh horse, if I fell it was a long way down :D I'm generally fairly good at hanging on, most of my falls have been sort of on purpose (horse hit a HT fence and I thought he was going to fall so flung myself off), rode a horse as a favour ("he's good to hack by himself, i promise!") and he had a bronco fit, decided to bail in the field as we were heading for a rocky track...
29 July 2005
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I was always taught to get straight back on. There has only been one time when I couldn't get straight back on - and that's because I got knocked out!


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26 June 2008
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I don't fall off very often. Maybe because i don't do much exciting stuff but i do ride sharp and spooky horses. Last proper fall was about 7 years ago and it was where i was fallen on and my foot smashed to bits. I wanted to get back on but the people i was with wouldn't let me. I thought it would be the best way to get home considering i couldn't put any weight on said foot.

More recently the same injury came back to haunt me and whilst riding with very short stirrups my damaged tendon tore quite badly. I finished the lessons without stirrups but i did have to be lifted off the horse afterwards lol.

I cry at the slightest thing though, so although i would get back on if i fell off, i would still looks like a massive whimp/ wally. :D

ETS: i got back on my friends pony bareback with my lower leg in a cast just to make sure i wouldn't be too scared. And i went back to the holiday when i could walk on my ankle again and just rode without stirrups for most of it.


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7 February 2006
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The only times I've not got back on were because I wasn't able to or I really didn't think it was the best idea. I really think you should get back on purely for the benefit of the horse as it's not good for them to associate you falling off and stopping work. If I've not been able to get back on and be effective I've often lunged just so they get some work.


Following a strict mediterranean diet...
8 July 2010
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I've just been thinking!

When we were little and learning to ride, if we fell off we were expected (without fail!) to get up and get back on. If we wailed and made a fuss we got no sympathy- after all, it was only little tumble! We fell off a lot and did get hurt a few times- my sister sprained her wrist (and rode home one handed!) and I ricked my neck (and did a hunter trial the next day holding my head to one side so it wouldn't hurt, lol) to name but a few. By the time we were both in our teens, we'd gathered over 500 falls between us.

It means that both of us have always been very stoical about falling off. If it's serious, I'll lie very still whilst assessing the damage and then get up and look for my horse. My sister will leap to her feet as fast as possible and try and get straight back on. She fell off in the middle of a double SJ once and took out the second element. She put the fence back up, got back on and jumped it before anyone had time to get in the ring! We never cry or wail (until we're back in the lorry and shock hits us!).

Nowadays, I'm surprised by how 'wimpy' children and adults are. They are wrapped up in cotton wool, and as soon as they take a tumble people descend to hug and mollycoddle. At PC Camp, the stable managers took the more cavalier approach to care- if they wailed they were breathing so we were far less sympathetic! How do you react when you/ your children fall off? And do you think that the modern day attitude to falling has made people more likely to fall, as they fear it and tense up?

Aw bless you both!!! As for putting the fence back up.. Bravo!!!!:D:D

I consider myself very lucky to be able to get back on every time - so many others never ride again.

To me, falling off is either 'you know it's coming' or 'well that was quick'. One second you're on, next you're off!! If I thought about falling off every time I ride, it would be the moment I give up.

You can't be nervous or 'wimpy' if you choose to ride horses as a way of life. You'll end up in a bad way. As a child learning to ride (I was not born in a saddle) that was all I ever wanted and worked hard to get it. My friend was forced to do it by her mother and family and was always falling off and she was always hiding her tears. I felt so sorry for her. Eventually she plucked up the courage at the age of 15 to say she hated riding but all those years of pain!!! Gah!!! Oh well, she surfs and skis now and is all she thinks about.

My point is - if you fall and it makes you feel like you can't get back on then don't. Don't ever force yourself to do something unless in your heart you really want to do it. Everyone is different and you can't let people tell you that you're a wuss or "just get back on" if you know you can't.

I think yes there is a lot of mollycoddling going on and yes lessons need to be learnt - you have to ask the question if it's really for you if falling is an issue...
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27 January 2009
Mid wales
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Brush myself down and get back on always been the way even as a child!!

I wanted to get back on when i broke my leg when i was younger but for reasons i could not lol But i used to ride my pony with my cast on!!


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28 January 2011
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Fall off. Stand up. Find horse. Get back on.

Exactly this.

I've been fortunate (touch wood) and only injured myself once on a ride - not as bad as it could be, but I had broken ribs and torn ligaments in knee & ankle (turns out jamming your feet into the stirrups make keep your feet attached to the irons, but does not necessarily keep your bum attached to the saddle :D). I was in agony but HAD to get back on as we were about 20 mins from the yard and I couldn't walk.

Glad I did though as it calmed the pony, stopped me losing confidence and seeing how carefully pony had walked me home - despite my being a sack of wailing potatoes in the saddle :eek: - stopped my Mum putting pony straight on Horsemart.

I work with children and it's not just with falling off horses that they are wimps! Sometimes they seem to ridiculously overreact - but then the wimpiest children usually have a certain type of parent...


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4 February 2011
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I fell off a couple of years ago out on a hack and made no noise at all because I was badly winded. My friend thought I was dead, you've never seen anyone dismount so fast!

Unless I'm too badly injured to stand I always get straight back on and carry on doing what I was doing. I do need a leg up though, my horse is huge.

Lol, this is me, I always want to get back on, it is just the mechanics of getting 5"5 me on my 17"2 boy!

I always ride quietly when I am concentrating and people that don't know me think I am terrified or hurt or something :)


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11 December 2004
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"Ooops, bugger, that hurt, where did my horse go?" I generally fall off out hunting, very publicly, I am more embarrassed than hurt.

You fall off, you get back on (if you aren't broken too badly) no big deal, that's horses for you. Sometimes you are even a better rider/person for hitting the ground unexpectedly. :D


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4 May 2010
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If nothing's broken then I tend to A) laugh, B)tell the paramedic I'm fine, C)find my pony, and D) if there is one there check the show 'tog got a photo! I also go on a "bruise-hunt" the next day, I get rather upset if I have a good fall and nothing to show for it!


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20 September 2009
East Midlands
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I've only ever fallen off 3 times, but when I do I tend to get straight up, run after the bloody horse that's now galloped off, check him over, and then if he's okay get back on ^^

I can't say i'm really much of a sympathetic person unless someone has done serious damage, if its just a tumble then get back on and try again - practice makes perfect! >.<


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12 March 2010
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I'm the same as you, I've never cried falling off. I lie still for a few seconds, take stock, wiggle my toes etc, then pick myself up and chase after the horse! Then I get back on, walk about for a bit, and carry on with what I was doing.


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30 December 2010
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Fly, Crash, Bump, Splat, Run after horse!

I'm a get up laugh and get back on type. But I must admit my Grandpa is a bit of a wimpy parent to me, runs and makes sure I'm alright "you sure you can get back on?" yes fineeee gimme a leg up already! lol he complains when i jump bareback and mess around on my pony :rolleyes:

The only time I cried when I fell off was when my aunty and mum took me out on a shetland when I was a wee one :eek: I blame my aunty (hadn't done girth up right:mad:)she over fusses with stuff like that. (Plus non-horsey family)

My first pony used to buck all the time so spent lots of times on the ground then but always got back on with a grin on my face. (Once again Grandpa not too happy :rolleyes:)

One time I didn't get back on was when my pony reared up and went back on me on the main road by my yard (Grandpa wouldn't let me and I was pretty shook up but I did suffer confidence issues with the pony since that and nearly sold her a few times, but now I just get on and get on with it) After that fall I'm still weary of riding in traffic, nothing as bad as I was but there's always something at the back of my mind which makes me worry. Took up riding my little pony after that fall for a while.

Last bad fall I had for a while was falling off Meg whilst jumping, she was quite green and did a little jump and spin at the other side of the jump, I just went splat on the floor, winded myself, fell on my head with a fixed peak hat!! not good think I was concussed. Got up pulled myself together as I didn't wanna worry my lil bro who actually got the pic of me falling off :D:D I had lost my confidence on Meg a few months before that and things were just getting better but I got back on with my new thing of getting on and just doing it.

I made a promise to myself that I don't let another horse put me off riding again as it put me down on so many levels. And at one point want to give up riding which is something I would never consider now!!!

So for all the over-protective parents do your kid a favour let em get on with it, its called character building!


Well-Known Member
18 December 2008
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I used to fall off all the time when I was a kid, always made to get back on despite my weeping and wailing- surprisingly by my un-horsey mother! Even when I got smashed through the arena fence.

That has stayed with me into adulthood.

Unfortunately the last time I fell, I couldn't get back on as I broke my back. Took me about 4-6 weeks to even sit up unaided, let alone walk or ride!
I am allowed to get back on in 3 weeks and 2 days (not that I'm counting!! :D) and I really really can't wait.

Saying that, I'm not keen to repeat the performance. I did work with horses as a dressage rider, won't be going back to that. I don't have any desire to ride any horse except mine for now. She is very sharp but I trust her.
I was always very brave and would get on most horses, will NOT be doing that anymore. I used to love riding the more difficult, sharp horses.

I wouldn't say that I have lost my nerve but I am worried that I won't be as good as I was before the accident because I'll probably be more cautious. My attitude before was to brush myself off and get back on quickly. Now it is to avoid falling off as much as possible without riding like a big wuss!


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6 September 2008
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i am lucky to have never seriously hurt myself when i have fallen off and usually get back on the one time i didn't was a total freak accident with my lad which wasn't either of our faults but left me winded and feeling very sick and dizzy so i put him to bed and went home. I have fallen off onto a jump before and bruised all my arm but i got back on the pony and jumped him over the jump with one arm as i couldn't feel the other!

I was helping a friend who was jumping her horse on the lunge and i didn't get out of the way quick enough when changing the jump and i got kicked in the arm, totally my fault but the response was amazing people offering to drive me home etc (which was very sweet and i am glad i am at a yard where people care enough to offer) never seen such a response to an accident.


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8 February 2009
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"Four limbs, ten fingers, ten toes? Good. Get back on and sort the bloody problem out"

I worry about it hurting once I've sorted whatever caused me to hit the deck in the first place :D

On Sunday Len (totally out of character, still feeling quite fresh :D) spooked jumping, shot off as fast as is little Friesian legs could carry him , got to the end of the school, shot around the corner and I carried on... and landed in a tree.
Needless to say I got back on and made sure he was confident again before realising that that actually did hurt ;)
Did also continue competing with a broken foot last year :rolleyes:



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3 May 2010
east yorkshire
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Another 1 here that got thrown straight back on as a child if I fell off lol now if I fall off I hit the deck jump up make sure No one saw me then set off after horse and get back on.
The only time I didn't get back on was when the horse reared up, went over backwards and landed on me, my foot was kinda facing the wrong way so was impossible to get back on. When it came time to get back on a horse (6 mths later) I was absolutly sh****g it I was shaking so much I couldn't get my foot in the stirrup. Glad to say the shakes only lasted about an hour then i was pretty much back to normal


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8 February 2009
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I forgot to add; the first time I ever fell off was in a riding school, in front of all my friends at a birthday party when I was about 6, having announced that I was a verrry good rider and had NEVER fallen off:eek: I had the most spectacular fall and found it so hilarious I didn't stop laughing for the whole day! The woman running it told me she wished everyone found falling off so much fun and gave me my first rosette as a reward :D I still have it!



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3 August 2009
Up North
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I find the problem as an adult is that is hurts a lot more than it ever did!!!! I always get back on, aside from 3 occasions - concussion, dislocated elbow joint and being winded by my BP.
I was always taught to get back on and have another jump, canter, whatever. So I was APPALLED last weekend when my horse chucked me off doing SJ at a piddly 2'6" and after being helped back on I wasn't allowed to jump a fence to finish!!! Flippin stupid rules, that will certainly not be helping children to learn to ride confidently!!! It wasn't even a proper competition anyway, just our riding club! Needless to say I went straight back over the practice fence a few times.


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29 December 2008
South Wales
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My parents were always the type to just chuck me back on my pony. I had a section a mare so spent most of the time on the floor! :) she used to drop her shoulder and i'd be out the front door!! I now have a 'launch position' which I still use and it did stop her getting me off!! works on my sec d most of the time too!! he had me off in the summer and i remember flying through the air thinking this is going to hurt!! wasnt too bad though winded and hurt my elbow got up and got back on, hubby didnt even realise I had come off (he was fixing the fence). I have a alot of touble with my back though since a child and had a terrible fall from a new pony he bronced me off and kicked me in the head on the way down , my legs were paralysed, pony turned round and came back and trampled me, so glad hubby was there he came and rescused me after that doctors have told me not to ride as next fall could mean my legs stop working for good!that pony went back and was meant to buy a schoolmaster , came back with sec d 4 year old gelding but i trust him and we have such a strong relationship and i love him to bits we always look after each other. Because I couldnt get straight back on from the last fall, had 8 weeks off riding I was so scared even getting on my homebred arab mare, was shaking like a leaf, which really shocked me as i thought i would be fine. but my girl looked after me and confidence was back after half an hour on her. I can stop riding I would be so down all the time!! so only ride horses i know now.


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11 April 2010
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When my kids fall off I leave it to the instructor to deal with because I know I will react differently and kids will start crying etc. I prefer to leave it to their instructor as she will deal with them with out being precious and they will get back on. I know that the one fall I had and I didn't get back on stopped me riding for 15 years, so now I get straight back on (unless too badly injured that I don't have a choice).


Well-Known Member
13 June 2009
I am one of the ones who'd jump straight back up and get on with it. I have much more concern for the horse than I do myself. A good one of mine was falling of at PC camp last year. I got a fence completely wrong and I was quite rightly put on the deck. Jumped straight back on and carried on and jumped around a 1.20m track (fine I must add!). Carried on through PC camp (I had 3 days left to go) and continued to ride for 3 weeks. It wasn't until Grandma tried to touch my arm and I was really defensive, didn't let her touch me.... we discovered I'd broken my arm! ;)

It's a very long way to fall and the worst part is I know if it's going to hurt (as I go flying through the air at a great speed)! Falling off doesn't bother me in the slightest. If I fall off it's usually my fault anyway! I was always put back ontop when I was younger, even with a huge black eye at the age of 6. Another good fall was out hunting. I tell you what I certainly ignored the 4 vertebrae that had been chipped in my back and neck and hobbled up the field after my poor horse (who did gallop off in a completely unknown direction).


Well-Known Member
10 May 2007
I used to get back on as soon as possible, but as others have said, these days I tend to assess my injuries before moving! I don't tend to get un-nerved by coming off as it is generally an accident - being conciously dumped would worry me!

I came off Harley a few years ago - three of us out for a gallop, one girl (who I didn't know) came off and we think my horse either stopped dead, or swerved around her - anyway, I came off too. When I came around from being knocked out, she was out cold - with the brand new bought the day before riding hat split in half! We caught her horse, mine had gone, walked a mile home, friend drove me around and around, finally found Harley being led by a stranger, so I led him home, another mile and a half. Mucked out, walked him the half mile round trip to his field, set everything fair for evening stables, drove home - bang, straight into shock. Probabli a good thing that I didn't ride again that day!


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30 July 2006
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If I fall off, get back on and do what I was doing again. I fell off spectacularly during a working hunter class last year, landed right infront of the horse who then trod on my show jacket ripping it right up the seam to the arm (later found out he was inches from treading on my back)... got up, took the remains of my jacket off and went back out to the warm up ring to jump again- if I had been allowed to get back on in the ring and finish the course I would have.


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5 October 2010
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when i fall off i immediately laugh and then get up get back on and then assess the damage... probably the wrong way round oopps :p my friend fell off and wacked her head and stood up and was a little dizzy but was very keen to get back on but the RI made her sit out until the stars disappeared :p


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16 January 2009
Ayrshire, Scotland
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I always get up asap and I never cry because I think I would die of embarrassment.. :eek:

My mum doesn't give me any sympathy but I think she's got the right attitude. I can't be bothered with mothers at shows giving lots of cuddles and sympathy and discipline the pony when it was clearly the child's fault..


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22 August 2010
Aberdeen/ North Wales
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When I fall off, if I can I immediately get back up and look for my horse and check it's ok.

If I can't, I lie still trying to assess any damage and stop my head spinning!!

If I can I'll always get back on, but most important thing is that my horse is ok- always my first thought no matter how injured I am!!

And yeah my mum taught me about noise levels- it's the quiet ones you wanna worry about!!!


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17 November 2009
West Sussex almost Hants
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I have after a rather spectacular fall at full gallop, stood up, tried to get my foot in the stirrup and then fainted :D

The worst was my own fault, we had some rather nice french exchange students at a RS and we were showing off over some logs, horse tripped (bucked but I prefer to say she tripped :D ) I went flat into muddy hole/puddle. Lost my glasses and broke my reins, I then shamefully got back on and went with the slower group as I could no longer see :D