Whats your worst.......


Well-Known Member
27 June 2005
How the hell do I know??? I can barely remember my
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livery yard experience?

No names please

I have had a nightmare experience and it's all my own fault

Have been to this yard before and the YO was full of empty promises so should of learned by our mistakes

The past 4 months have been hell

From having my boy Donnegan PTS on the Tuesday, offering to pay for his stable for as long as I needed then finding out from another livery that his stable was being filled on the Friday. YO was apparently pressured by new livery

YO husband left field gate open and Monty got out on a narrow country lane in the dark. Luckily enough there was no car coming otherwise someone could of been seriously hurt aswell as Monty

Any disputes between liveries YO hides from it all

We have 2 agressive horses on our yard (one of them is mine
) YO insists they be turned out with others including her own
Her horses were not hurt but one has been through one thing and another

Had suspected strangles case on yard YO decided she is still taking her horses off the yard
Turns out to be a virus but she still took them off yard when everyone else is trying to contain it

Just generally people being downright thoughtless and not caring what happens to anyone else's horse

What happened to horse owners/Livery yard owners that actually care about what happens to other peoples horses?


Well-Known Member
29 July 2008
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i would move yard! my worst experience was when my girl who was a little marish to start with became headshy as the grooms would hit her over anything, i went on holiday and came back to a lame horse which was Yo not looking after properly!..so long story short i decided to leave the yard, but the day the lorry arrived to take her the YO decided to lock the gate and try and keep my horse in..umm all livery bill was paid up to date and full notice given, so after a heated discussion i got my horse but my tack was kept hostage! i did eventually it tack back and my girl was moved to a new yard and very happy!


Well-Known Member
20 July 2008
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my worst even though i didnt get far enough as moving to the yard was the yard owner saying for about 2 months she will have a place for my horse once the horse up for sale had been sold (it was important we moved before winter as my horse has terrible mud fever and went lame with it last year and we explained this to her) after 2 months of her keep saying yes, still got a place when the horse is sold, she then turned around and said no sorry i dont want any more liveries at the moment. Then why, if she didnt want any more liveries, did she carry on saying she had a place for 2 months when she knew, for the horses sake, that she had to be moved before winter. Bit of a rant, but its quite annoying!


Well-Known Member
20 July 2008
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i would move yard! my worst experience was when my girl who was a little marish to start with became headshy as the grooms would hit her over anything

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This also happened to my horse,(i didnt actually see this but was told by a young girl that i'm pretty sure didnt make it up or imagine it) she was slapped on the nose for dragging a staff member(she isnt on full livery any more) and does not need to be hit you just pull her up, actually she doesnt even drag me
but the person who did it did get a good telling off by YO


Well-Known Member
29 July 2008
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Well exactly, my girl was not easy but not evil just a little trying but now looking back i wish i had been firmer but at 16 what do you say to all the adults?!..i would def think twice about full livery again, although i did have one girl look after my pony who was a star and i wouldnt fault her, and loved my pony almost as much as i did!! I guess i got unlucky YO didnt do anything in my case well except lock me in!!


Well-Known Member
20 July 2008
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Even if it is staff who hit the horse it really is YO responsibility if they dont want their yard to get a bad reputation you'd think they would deal with it.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2007
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livery yard experience?

No names please

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No winter grazing/turnout
Everything out together in summer
On a very main road
One 20 x 40m arena between about 30 of us liveries
No lorry/trailer parking
Stables starting to fall down
Kn*b-head farmer YO

All before I went up-market and moved further from Manchester into Cheshire.
Different worlds!


Well-Known Member
31 January 2008
Very rarely in the house
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I was at ayard for over 20 years and moved our little pony up.

We went on holiday and when i came back our pony was petrified. We were on a DIY yard and had asked YO to look after her.

She must of thumped her one because she said she couldn't catch her in the field and then couldn't get hold of her in the stable as she turned on her and said she was one of the horriblest ponies she had ever met.

My 10 year old looked after this pony and she didn't have a nasty bone in her body.

Needless to say we moved the following day and she was one of the most loved ponies on the new yard.


Well-Known Member
20 July 2008
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The yard i'm at now is pretty good with good facilities, although the fields are terrible in the winter and packed with kids in the holidays it isnt a bad yard, nice people just a little bitching, between the kids and the adults
but i think alot of yards are like that.


Well-Known Member
10 August 2008
North Wiltshire
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Aww your poor pony! I would have given the yard owner a good thump! I cant believe that some people think its ok to hit another person's horse - especially if you are paying them to look after it.


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22 September 2004
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The YO and husband staged a break in and stole all our tack. Her husband had been in prison before so the police must have suspected them and raided their house and her parents house and recovered some of the tack (sadly not mine, it had already been sold). The difficult thing was that I was just moving house and couldn't immediately move my horse so had to pretend I didn't know!


Well-Known Member
25 December 2004
back of beyond
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Overly-controlling other liveries get my back up, especially as they tend to be the ones that talk behind other peoples' backs. I ended up somewhere in the middle of a huge dispute once, which was only resolved by two of my "best yard friends" moving out. I still love the place and wish I could still livery there (I moved out when my horse needed 24/7 turnout) but it did get out of hand at one point. Didn't help that YO was on one "side" of the argument and fuelled it herself somewhat!
Now I have to contend with someone who is FAR too organised and controlling... it's not her yard but she still insists on organising EVERYTHING and won't delegate jobs (then uses her efforts as a sort of weapon against us when she says "I do everything for you lot" etc...) I will keep my mouth shut and a smile on my face regardless, as I cannot afford to lose my place as the yard is just too perfect for my horse!
Maybe it's just ME being a pain...?!


Well-Known Member
27 June 2005
How the hell do I know??? I can barely remember my
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Further to my post above, I can just imagine the other person posting on this one about her worst experience of a livery yard....!!!

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Have just read your post above

I just want my horse to be as safe as a horse can be. Everything that has happened on this yard could have been avoided if a little thought was put into it and not concentrating on how much money they can make


Well-Known Member
7 January 2006
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I've had 2 - the first was when I used to ride for someone (they had a private yard) and I kept mine at theirs. They bought a house with land and stables and moved and rented out remaining spaces at the other yard. I was left 'in charge' which basically consisted of making sure everyone poo picked, kept stuff tidy etc etc. That was fine until some chavy b*tch joined yard and from then on it was the worst place imaginable - she wouldn't do anything, and was the biggest nastiest piece of work I've ever come across! I left in the end - was not enjoying horses at all by that point.

The other was last yard I was at, YO would just use your stuff and you were lucky to ever see it again. They also had two guard dogs which were usually out from about 4pm onwards - they used to jump up at the horses barking and scared them all beyond imagining to the point it was dangerous to lead them to and from fields/stables or whatever. The best had to be though their hay barn - I used to buy a large round bale of hay off her and it would normally last about 4-6 weeks dependant on time of year. Her horses and ponies were allowed to free range round the place and would get in barn and stand their all day eating the bloody hay! She would not accept this and you still had to pay for the whole bale even though her horses had eaten at least half of it. There is a whole list of other stuff but I won't bore you all to death!!


Well-Known Member
5 March 2008
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Had a couple of bad experiences, yo's thinking they know better than me and feeding my horse loads behind my back etc etc. The worst however was moving my horse half hour away to a yard where the b**** YO promised me hour and a half worth of varied own land off road hacking. This was vital to us as we had been hit by a car. Turned out to be 20 mins round a field, which i discovered two days after arriving. I had paid a month upfront, they turned into complete B******, made my life hell, i moved days later and they kept all my money, even though they lied. I had to ask them to transport me as my lift broke down and had no other choice and they charged me an extra £60 for driving my horse less than ten mins.
They still advertise as a friendly caring yard with wonderful off road riding. UNBELIEVABLE!


Well-Known Member
27 May 2007
West Midlands
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We went to one yard quite a few years ago now, and it was hell! We had two neds at the time, a 4 yr old Appy x and a teenage cob about 14hh. For one thing we were paying extra to have the horses turned out/rugs changed/fed in the mornings. After a tip off from another livery i turned up one afternoon about 2pm horses in, no feed,hay,water still in stable rugs although we were told they went out all day!!They were being turned out about half an hour before we went to put them back in. This yard was wooden stables on a huge concrete base, the owner got a big digger and dug a ditch all round the stables about 10ft wide and about 20ft deep right next to the stables, of course the walls started to bulge and it clearly wasnt safe for the huge amount of rats nevermind the horses so we moved PDQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!