When someone leaves the yard ....

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Deleted member 163966

....... do you start to feel unsettled yourself? I ask because this is happening at my yard and I'm feeling really insecure all of a sudden.

It's a great place, very settled, well run, decent facilities, lots or turn out and a good crowd of people. There is one livery who has been here for around 4 years. She is a lovely person, very knowledgable and always happy to help other people with their horsey issues. But she's moving on to a yard which is much nearer her home, and which has facilities which better match her (and her horse's) needs. Fair enough. I can see why she's going and she will be missed by us all. But her leaving is making me - and one or two others - review our own needs, and ask ourselves whether we should be thinking about making a move too. In general, as this is a yard where people rarely leave, an established person moving on is having quite an unsettling effect generally. Could someone pop round and give my head a wobble please.


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3 December 2019
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My yard has had a good few people leave recently for various reasons. Sometimes the reasons they tell you might be the real reason, sometimes you feel like they aren't but either way they might not apply to you or be important.

I haven't left because the things that didn't work for other people still work for me. If someone gave a reason for leaving that made me think "well actually, I don't like that either and have just been putting up with it because everyone else does" that would be a different story.


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20 April 2011
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I've been on a fairly large yard for the last 11 years. I do notice that we seem to have phases of people moving. Not necessarily moving together but if 1 livery leaves we tend to lose 4 or 5 horses in a month - 6 weeks. I suppose there must be some kind of unsettling effect or disturbance to the atmosphere. I suspect when they raise their reasons for leaving it makes others question how they feel about the same things.
I, however, am distinctly anti-social. I am in a separate barn with just a couple of people and am happy to be left to it. It's nice when the yard has lots of people I get on well with but I am equally content when I have no close friends on the yard. I currently have one friend I like to go on long hacks with and it's lovely but if she moves on it won't affect my feelings about the yard.


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14 August 2005
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Honestly, no. I've left several yards for different reasons from my horse being unhappy to being closer to home.

I stick to my routine and I'm happy pottering about myself although I also have lots of friends at the yard and it's an opportunity to potentially make a new Friend.

I love my current yard, the facilities are perfect for me and while I'd love a school it's not enough of a want for a move. My horses and I are happy and settled and that's my priority.


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22 September 2015
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No, not at all personally but I do prefer larger yards where there is generally more coming and going so it's less of a big deal.

People's needs & circumstances or change, it's only natural.

In fifteen plus years of livery, I've only ever moved to move away from a specific yard twice. All the rest of the moves have been due to the horse or my lifestyle changes meaning I need something slightly different.

If I left my yard tomorrow, I wouldn't expect anyone else too so I honestly wouldn't worry about it :)


Well-Known Member
3 May 2023
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I think it's normal. I've always noticed on both yards and in the work place too, if one person leaves, often others will then too.
Yes your yard dynamic will naturally change, but give it some time and see how things are once she's gone. The new person may be a fantastic new riding buddy! Hopefully the person leaving isn't going too far and you can keep in touch.