When the Queen comes to tea


Well-Known Member
1 April 2020
In a paddock far far away
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When I was young I had an elderly aunt who told me that whilst she was doing her housework she would pretend that she was expecting the Queen to come round for tea . As a messy child I thought this was hysterical , but then later in life , although I never took it to my aunts level , I discovered that the thought of having important guests was quite a good motivator ( The bedroom needs doing but can't be bothered ? Brad's on his way round . Quick , where's the clean bedding .... ) . But now , suddenly , it's dawned on me that maybe it's become much more ingrained than I'd realised .
My two ponies live out 24/7 with free access from their field to the yard and two stables - pretty low maintenance really , but today , on a horrible , wet , foggy morning I have left them with beds that look like they have been checked with a spirit level , precision banking , an immaculate yard , the hoof picks hung up ( one at each end of the yard for convenience ) , the grooming brushes ( rarely used ) lined up neatly . The yard tools are lined up like soldiers , the wheel barrows ranked in order of size . The barn is gleaming and I swept the stray strands of hay that had dropped on the grass between the barn and the yard - even though Mr F pointed out that we are expecting a delivery tomorrow and it will all need doing again . Nobody's going to see it except Mr F and the ponies - and they certainly don't care . So why do I do it ? It's not like I haven't got anything else to do . It is way above and beyond tidy for the sake of health and safety and , if I think about it , it's not like I'm OCD about cleanliness . No - what it is , is ' Visitor Ready ' . It is how I want it to look to other people . And yet the chances of us having a ' yard ' visitor , even before Covid , are practically zero . So why do I feel that I have to be in this permanent state of readiness ? Maybe I should relax standards a bit . But then you just never know , do you ? It's those unexpected ones , dropping in unannounced , that might catch you out . What if Charlotte of the Garden or King Mary broke down on their way to who knows where and needed somewhere to stay for the night ? Or just if my friend Jenny needed to pop in for an emergency bale ?
And the weirdest thing of all is that I don't do this in the house where , let's face it , we a far more likely to have visitors . 'Take me as you find me ' I say boldly ' I don't care what you think of my house' ….... but my yard , oh that's a different matter entirely .
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Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
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Yes please come and stay with us too.....I like the idea of being Visitor Ready, I certainly don't do this at the moment but will try to build the concept into all areas of my life :D


Well-Known Member
17 June 2012
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I spend far more time sweeping and tidying my little yard than I do the house! I have often wondered what drives me, but, I think in my case, I have a really untidy partner who never puts anything away after use, who takes everything apart and leaves the bits around for years, who buys old magazines in bulk, puts car parts on the kitchen table, etc etc so My little yard is my domain and I can be in charge and in control!