P0ny Lover
Hi there! To start this off I am a young rider. I've been riding for a year almost 2 now. I can walk, trot and canter but I wouldn't classify my self as a pro rider. Although I would say I'm experienced in handling horses. At my riding lessons I get 1 hour practical (tacking up learning to groom,that sort of stuff). I also read the pony club manual from start to finish. Plus I read pony mag and horse and rider every month. And my grandparents have a mini shetland stallion. I help groom, brush and help rug him up. I even pop him over small jumps, by hand. It's safe to say I am absolutely horse daft and I even fantasize poo picking, because I love horses soo much. I dream and think 24/7 about getting my own pony, school at home where ever really. I dont come from a horsey family but I live in the countryside. My family have quite an amount of animals, chickens and that sorta type of pets. I've done the maths and I have found a cob I quite like that fits my budget. The point is I really really want my own pony and I am prepared to pay and do all the work for it. I would love an adults option on wherever or bot I'm ready for my first pony, before I show my parents the cob I've been looking at. Thank you for reading my rambles!!