when to introduce circles during re-hab ?


Well-Known Member
27 July 2008
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hi would like to know when other people introduced circles ( 20metre size) into there re-hab schedule. my horse is in mth.9 of re-hab, is working approx 6 days a week - 3 hacks 3 schooling sessions. in walk, trot, canter. in school at present just working large. he feels a little stiff for the first 5 mins but level once he's loosened he feels good and works in a outline happly. he is recovering from damaging his collateral ligaments in front feet ( medial in one , lateral in other).
will be asking my vet but interested in what other people have to say too espeacialy if from experiance. thanks


Well-Known Member
5 December 2007
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I would consult your vet. Mine has finished his basic rehab for medial collateral ligament damage. He started 20m circle work in trot after about three months of ridden work. (He was turned away for six months first). He didn't start canter work until month five of ridden work. He's now been back in work six months and my vet has advised in another six months I can start proper schooling - i.e. basic leg yield and some smaller circles if I wish. I mainly stick to hacking as I'm worried about pushing his limits. It would be interesting to hear what someone else's vet's opinion is.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2008
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thanks marchtime
i spoke to my vet and she said to introduce large circles and be vigilant about any unlevelness. i am in mth 6 of ridden work and trotting and cantering in the school. up to now he feels good but i keep my sessions to about 20mins/half hr. were as when i hack out i will be out for an hour to an hour and half. since i started in the school again he feels so much better, he's suppling up again and going in a nice outline. after basic school work i always check him for soreness ( shoulders, back etc.. ) then put his magnetic rug on. i will not do any serious schooling till next year and then hopefully will be ready for the show season. ( fingers and toes crossed)
at the momment i am feeling hopefully optomistic and that is scary!