When to Separate Two Horses


Well-Known Member
6 April 2009
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I've got two horses who have lived together for three years. One of them has always been more dominant and the other one has occasionally had kick or teeth marks on but nothing serious and it's happened months apart. They seem to get on well however the last couple of weeks the more submissive one has been kicked twice and had quite nasty cuts after it.

At what point do I need to separate them? I'm worried about waiting too long and the one ending up seriously injured but at the same time they're much happier in together than in next door fields and my setup is done for them living together rather than in individual paddocks. There's plenty of grass for them and the more dominant one is out competing and doing quite a lot of work so shouldn't be bored. Thoughts and opinions would be much appreciated. What would you all do?


Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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I would separate them now, before a serious injury happens. Do you know what has brought on the escalated behavior - is it a lack of grazing?


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7 March 2008
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I would do it asap too.

0ur 2 are permanently separated - the mare adores my little cob but can be very dominant and will bite/kick her way to having what she wants, and no way we could feed them in the same field.

They graze in adjoining paddocks, groom over the fence and often see standing together, albeit either side of the fence, not ideal but this way we have 2 sound and vets bill free horses.

And they seem quite happy too.....


Well-Known Member
6 April 2009
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Thanks all. I was really hoping everyone was going to say I was being melodramatic and that as they'd been fine together for years it might just be a blip and they'd be ok.

They're separated at the moment and I'll have to get some electric fencing at the weekend to do the other fields. They seem more stressed separated but hopefully they will adjust soon.


Well-Known Member
22 April 2014
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Thanks all. I was really hoping everyone was going to say I was being melodramatic and that as they'd been fine together for years it might just be a blip and they'd be ok.

They're separated at the moment and I'll have to get some electric fencing at the weekend to do the other fields. They seem more stressed separated but hopefully they will adjust soon.

This is what I was going to suggest. A couple of strands of tape across the field so they are sperate but still close. Just gives the lower ranking one a bit of space to get away from grumpy teeth and feet.
As you say the dominant one is out competing a lot at the moment could you put them on a gut balancer in case the travelling and competing has maybe caused a bit of stress and a sore tummy? My dominant one gets anxious when he loads and travels and sometimes is a proper grump for a few days afterwards, so goes on a gut balancer before and after for a few days to help reduce this.