Where do I stand?


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22 September 2002
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I have to have this check for my job an think it is very very important and think all who work with children should have it done.

I want to know that all those who care for my kids at school/clubs etc that they are safe to do so.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2004
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It is the same over here to be honest. Anyone doing anything with other people's children, even if it is just helping out on a school trip, have to have these checks run before they are allowed to have any involvement with the children; regardless of whether it is paid or unpaid work.

I can't see the problem myself, the checks don't delve into any private issues; the check is taken on what they already have on file about you; so it's not like they are doing any snooping.

I'm really not into the Nanny State philosophy....BUT when it comes to someone being a temporary guardian of my child then yes I agree with having that person checked out.


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27 November 2006
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why is it that inoccent people have to have security checks, yet convicted criminals are allowed to roam around un checked. there was a case just recently where a 3 year old girl was kidnapped by a paedophile who was out of prison on a licence i think its called.
we are spending too much time looking at what might happen and not enough time on what is happening

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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why is it that inoccent people have to have security checks, yet convicted criminals are allowed to roam around un checked. there was a case just recently where a 3 year old girl was kidnapped by a paedophile who was out of prison on a licence i think its called.
we are spending too much time looking at what might happen and not enough time on what is happening

[/ QUOTE ]

but presumably this person wasn't working at a school or Brownie pack, paid or otherwise..just because some individuals live outside the law doesn't mean that we shouldn't do our very best to protect children where we can


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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no it won't deter them. If their 'desire' is THAT strong that prison sentences, rehabilitation, psychological efforts, social help doesn't change them then they will do whatever is necessary to feed their desire.

As I stated, the CRB check only checks for people who have ALREADY BEEN CAUGHT - NOT those that haven't yet been 'found out' - so there is NO GUARANTEE of safety merely because all the people at a school/club/whatever have passed a CRB check.

TBH I think the CRB check provides a 'false sense of security'. You think that because everyone has passed a CRB check then all is well - so you just might not notice something'odd' and register is - because all the people must be OK - the gov. (the one that loses murderers btw) says they are.

Don't forget Ian Huntley passed a CRB check..............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I rest my case !!


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
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As I said, CRB checks are not just about paedophilia and they are required for anyone working with vulernable people. They are not foolproof, but are better than nothing. I really cannot see what all the fuss is about.


Well-Known Member
20 September 2004
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I think as someone said above, if you don't have any record, I don't really see what the problem is? You don't have to pay for it, no-one other than the requesting organisation will know the results of it, and it has no bearing on other areas of your life?
It's frustrating because you're not doing a job, you're just helping, but if a check like this saved one child from one paedophile, it would be worth checking every individual on the planet as far as I'm concerned.
No-one thinks that paedophiles are 'around every corner' - a moral panic generated by high profile cases and red top tabloids - but they do exist undoubtably, and they prey on society's most vunerable individuals. Any way which is intended to protect them has to be viewed as progress.

My job has no contact with children whatsoever, but my criminal record is checked, I am regularly drugs tested, and my credit score is often checked. Invasive, yes, but that's how society has become. Big Brother is most definitely watching me. Do I mind? Not particularly. I'm not doing anything wrong, so I don't have anything to hide.


Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
Middle England
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Whether you agree with it or not would you really rather that it didn't exist?

I am vehemently opposed to ID cards and a number of other Government proposals, as a teacher of A level politics I would hope that I rise above the normal media debate and am actually aware of the issues surrounding the debate.

You're right in saying that CRB checks chouldn't be necessary, that they won't stop the majority of abusers and that they don't check if you have the potential to be a pervert but I would not want to go back to a system without them.

They are merely one way in which the government tries to protect children, many of which you are hopefully blissfully unaware of on a daily basis because you are not unlucky enough to have a child in that position.

Whoever made the comment above that paedophiles have been shown to seek employment with children is right. If you find it offensive that the government want to check on you then you need to be able to suggest an alternative. Its not going to root out everyone but if they didn't do it then you would have convicted paedophiles working in schools or taking scouts on a camping trip and surely you would not condone that.

Come down off your high horse and think rationally about what you are saying. Would you want a convicted paedophile giving your daughter a leg up at pony club? I think not and neither does everyone else.


Well-Known Member
13 March 2004
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I think you need to decide if you are a volunteer or not. As the yard has not asked you to have a CRB check then they either a) don't consider you a volunteer or b) are not aware of the law. If you do not want to have a CRB then stop volunteering and just help your own daughter. It is not fair to expect others to have CRBs if you do not and would you want a volunteer helping your child if they had not had one. I for one would not. A CRB is there to protect people and all bona fide clubs working with young or vulnerable people would have arranged it for you. Has this yard adequate insurance? if you are helping other peoples' children and there is an incident then their insurance would not be valid if you did not have a CRB check. I cannot understand anyone's releuctance to do so where children are concerned. No, I don't think there are paedophiles around every corner but it only takes one incident to ruin a child's life. By the way the our riding clubs and Pony Club insist on CRB checks for all volunteers.