Where do you buy your flair strips?


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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Because there isn't any evidence at all that it works and no one was shouting you down. You're being hysterical. People who were actually interested were discussing the merits and evidence behind a product. Lolo asked a perfectly reasonable question and people answered. I asked who made them so I could look on the website at the claims they made. People answered. How is that 'shouting you down'? People who can understand the 'science' behind it had a good chuckle at the product. No one was laughing at you. When you got offended everyone said quite explicitly that they meant no harm and they wished your horse well. Why are you looking to be offended when clearly no offence was meant?


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9 January 2007
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Out of curiosity, does anyone know the reasoning behind banning them in racing here? The jurisdictions that do so in the US argue that it's a declared piece of equipment that could be altered between the paddock and the post but that sounds a bit explanation after the fact. There was a bit of fuss over I'll Have Another not being able to wear one in NY when he'd worn them in previous starts.

Their use in racing, as per the link I posted, is ostensibly not to affect performance, per se, but for bleeders. I would presume them their banning is similar to horses not being allowed to run on Lasix. . .?

Anyway, off topic. But interesting. :)

I'm not seeing the hysteria, btw. The OP just clarified the question.

I hate to say, but if we're going to hold scientifically proven efficacy (and presumably lack of risk) as the standard for a particular method or device to do with riding and horses, we're going to struggle. I understand not wanting someone to be ripped off by villains selling snake oil but after that, so long as the horse isn't hurt then hey go . . . . .
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Well-Known Member
10 April 2008
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Hysteria jesstickle? Well I've not seen any.

I'd be quite upset If I was OP as I do think some of the posts were phrased to make cedars sound silly which isn't fair.

Apologies, it's not something we use in sj so I couldn't help you but it might well be worth trying the mefix that lolo linked too :)