Where do you stand...


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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"So there is more to foxhunting than killing the fox?
I think janw has a good point, it seems that some people use 1 excuse for 1 thing but won't use it for others."

Gee...you prove my point too. My comment is not in regards to 'killing' the fox. Like I say, she'd have not made the comment she did if she knew anything and likewise you wouldn't agree with her. There's something for you to do...work it out...

"The Killing of animals by some sections of society is down to 2 things, greed because they won't pay for better defences against wild animals and the pure lust for killing something."

So how do I defend my hay field from fox and badger 5hit? The way I know is to cull them. Re. livestock defences you clearly don't know the state farming is in at the moment, some (and there are also alot doing very well but more through sale of land and converting old stone barns into properties) can barely scrape through let alone afford to fox proof 500 acres of land when shooting them is free and also provides them with a form of sport.

"Just because some class some animals as vermin/pests/etc they think it is ok to kill them and use words like "natural" to justify it."

What is the difference in a fox or even wolves killing an animal to hounds killing an animal, if you want to argue it takes alot longer for an elk/moose or what have you to die by pack of wolves than it does for a fox to die by a pack of hounds.


Well-Known Member
17 March 2007
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"What is the difference in a fox or even wolves killing an animal to hounds killing an animal"
The hounds are controlled and bred by the hunters, not very natural, when all the dogs are running wild after being born wild I won't say anything about that again.

"it takes alot longer for an elk/moose or what have you to die by pack of wolves than it does for a fox to die by a pack of hounds."
Once again, wolves were (still are in some places) natural and doing it to eat/survive, not for the entertainment of people (Oh sorry, I mean doing a vital job in the countryside).

Natural selection is not a nice, clean or quick thing but it is natural. (Start comments again on me being an an animal lover that allows cruelty)

Do you think people will understand that I believe in nature and how it contols itself?


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
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Does an animal care whether it is being killed due to being a pest of killed for food?

Its the way an animal is killed that counts, not what its killed for.