Where would you look for a project horse..?


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11 March 2005
Avonmill, Up a bit but not at the top
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I'm getting itchy feet as we have a space on the lorry when we jump the novice that my son has the ride on. He can't take his own horse for the last class of the day and have him standing from 9am and so we've figured it makes more sense to do one day with the baby and one with the experienced horse so neither has to hang around in the cold.

So, where oh where could I find a horse that has a good jump, age and height open but that perhaps needs mileage or schooling or condition put on? I've scoured the usual websites (horsequest, horsemart, horsedeals) without success. I do see some I like but most of them are either £££ or are in the very south of england and we are in scotland. We've just bought a first ridden pony in devon and don't have a problem with traveling but given this is a project it doesn't make sense to go to the other end of the country.

Knowing us we'll fall in love with the horse and keep it forever (we have our 2 oldest ponies out on loan as they have been such good friends) but where can I find him or her? We can give all sorts of references and just turned 15yo son is jumping 1.30's with his older schoolmaster. He can ride most things but I don't want something unsound or a complete nutter!

Any ideas?


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5 August 2009
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Ino you said youve looked at websites but have you looked at projecthorses.co.uk? Why dont you put up adverts in your local tack shop etc..? Sorry not very good at ideas
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
11 March 2005
Avonmill, Up a bit but not at the top
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Thanks. Always thought project horses was for problem horses but had a look and there are some nice horses deserving of a good home and a chance. None up our way though!

Am tempted by the bay that there was a post on here about recently - maybe by mbequestrian?


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29 January 2008
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I am way down South and just bought myself a nice horse from Gretna. It was only £250 to have her delivered to my door although I did buy her over the phone unseen! She is thankfully everything the seller said she was and more and I'm thrilled with her.


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4 October 2009
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My friend is down sizing a load of her project horses in the spring! She has 5 with one in foal. She's thinking of selling 3 of them. She buys ex-racers from the sales, and schools them, in the hope to produce them through the BE ranks

One of the geldings is a real good lad with an adorable temperment, has done BE Novice, but she doesn't think he has the scope to go much further then that (she wants to go around Burghley), although he has a huge heart and would try for her! I love him!

One mare she can't quite decide what to do with her. She is thinking of keeping her to sort her out but doesn't think she will go through the bigger ranks of BE as she is too flighty at the moment - she needs to mature. She's gone round the 4 year old classes this year and proved herself there, and my friend wanted to register her for next season and see if she settles. But with the pressure of too many horses, she's also thinking about selling her on, putting her back for racing, turning her away putting her in foal. The mare's just quite quirky - in the sense she rears... and don't I know it... I got a broken ankle from her. In fairness it was a cross between excitement/anxiety/spooking.... but nonetheless, she NEEDS an experienced owner/rider!

Another mare she has recently got is fresh from a race yard but never raced. My friend just isn't 'clicking' with the mare. She is a beautiful mover but needs the work under saddle. Early days yet, she's going to put the work in, but doesn't particularly have the feel for her yet. She can be quite resistant and is more of a challenge. She's thinking of selling her too when she gets her schooled and some manners into her. xx


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11 March 2005
Avonmill, Up a bit but not at the top
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Towerhamlets - I know that transport can be around that price but you are much more trusting that I've learnt to be (the hard way) and it cost us an additional £350 to fly to Devon and back to see the pony. I hope that your horse works out well.

Rudey - thanks for your post. It sounds like your sister has her hands full! Has your ankle recovered? I must admit that a horse which goes up is my least favourite complication.


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10 December 2008
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That's a good point, actually - racehorse trainers will probably have something straight off the track that would be a nice prospect - I know someone who got one from a trainer in Perth who's been fab, didn't race till 4 so given plenty of time to mature and was very straight forward to retrain.

Other than that, I'd get a youngster from a dealer and let spring grass do the work!


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4 October 2009
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Nope not yet
I broke my talus bone into 4 and my fibula snapped and went out of my skin bleughhhhh! Still got another 5 weeks until my next xray, and hopefully by then, they might allow me to start weight bearing!

Rearing never used to phase me as my bay Sammi can give a good rear out of sheer excitement, but he was very balanced and would lunge forward out of it - surprisingly very comfty and easy to sit to!! My opinion on rearing now has drastically changed lol

Just re-read my post and realised how babbled it was lol! My intention was to draw your attention to the type of 'project' you would think was suitable for you son! Obviously my friends mares wouldn't be lol xx


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11 March 2005
Avonmill, Up a bit but not at the top
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Rudey, that sounds like an awful injury. Poor you. Hope it heals soon.

A TB out of training would be fine, esp if hadn't flat raced, but we would like to find a horse who had a natural ability to jump. Whilst I would never underestimate a TB's ability there might be fewer of them proportionately who do have. Or an I talking nonsense?


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4 October 2009
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Thanks, healing vibes and well and truely appreciated!!

I have a mixed opinion on it to be fair!! There are alot of eventers that use ex-racers to event. Some have made it round Brughley, so it is proven that you can get a quality and talented TB....

....But on the other end of the scale, for what you want, personally I would look for a stronger breed for Show Jumping like a warmblood for example. They are more built for power and have a bigger jump compared to a TB that is built for speed IMO....

Plus I think it is easier to bring on and school a fresh youngster then it is to rehabilitate an ex-racer. They take alot of time to reschool and get them working properly. But hey, they can turn out great if you're prepared to put the time and effort in xx


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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There's a TB 16.1 in Oxford advertised to the right here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

For not very much money.