I would really love people’s opinions on the following:
I am a Mum who rides up to Novice eventing level. I want to buy my 14yr old daughter a horse that she can event this/next year. We also hunt and do hedgehopping and fun stuff together.
Not sure yet if daughter wants to go all the way with competitive eventing and work hard at it or do more all round stuff. She s quite talented but she has mostly been under-horsed to develop her confidence.
We tend to be more in to the journey than the winning.
So the question is;
I have 3 friends offering me horses to buy. Which one should I choose?
3. Friend is selling very careful BSJA pony, wins speed classes (1m competitively) they jump big single fences at home. Apparently cross country is its thing. Its about half the price of the first horse. She loves it, although it is completely hollow and quite a challenge to get it to relax and drop its head. It is a true allrounder, used to being taken here and there, doing a bit of everything. I would say average dressage score would be a 42! Though we would both love to try and improve that. . Welsh cob, not fancy! Takes my weight well.
Negatives; it is 11 and has been ridden in its current outline for 9 yrs. It is quite stressy and rushes its fences. Apparently strong hunting. Smallest of the 3
I am a Mum who rides up to Novice eventing level. I want to buy my 14yr old daughter a horse that she can event this/next year. We also hunt and do hedgehopping and fun stuff together.
Not sure yet if daughter wants to go all the way with competitive eventing and work hard at it or do more all round stuff. She s quite talented but she has mostly been under-horsed to develop her confidence.
We tend to be more in to the journey than the winning.
So the question is;
I have 3 friends offering me horses to buy. Which one should I choose?
- A Very trusted friend who trains me and my daughter has a very talented eventing youngster. My daughter loves it, she is prepared to sell it at trade price and she would take it back and find us something else if it did nt work out, since she has a lot of belief in the horse.
- Relative has a BSJA appaloosa x connie 12 yr old jumping pony that loves cross country and hunting, has a very powerful scopey jump (takes a bit of getting used to) and has been schooled on the flat by County level show judge. Has been head hunted to jump bigger tracks in Ireland.
3. Friend is selling very careful BSJA pony, wins speed classes (1m competitively) they jump big single fences at home. Apparently cross country is its thing. Its about half the price of the first horse. She loves it, although it is completely hollow and quite a challenge to get it to relax and drop its head. It is a true allrounder, used to being taken here and there, doing a bit of everything. I would say average dressage score would be a 42! Though we would both love to try and improve that. . Welsh cob, not fancy! Takes my weight well.
Negatives; it is 11 and has been ridden in its current outline for 9 yrs. It is quite stressy and rushes its fences. Apparently strong hunting. Smallest of the 3