Well-Known Member
If one shares, one has little choice. We have to adapt to all sorts of tack and equipment according to the owner and the horse. My old share was hacked out with a schooling whip and she hated dogs. I was happy wirth that. But my current share must not be ridden with a schooling whip, It has to be a short crop.
When I was little, my brother was allowed to ride and I was not. He had a horn handled riding crop.
I was so envious.
But these days is the horn thought to be a good thing?
I have considered buying one but then thought it was silly.
Buy a vintage one if the use of animal products upsets you as it's then already harvested etc and you are simply recycling them. Or buy a deer antler one as I believe they are naturally shed, although with a second hand crop you woudn't be able to verify method of harvest. There are plenty on Ebay, horn and bamboo