who has more than 8 horses ? and how do you cope !


Well-Known Member
7 October 2010
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I dont know how anyone could afford to keep that many horses shod! I groan at the single £72 I have to pay every 5 weeks to keep my one horse's feet in good shape. Still, I guess, many who have that many horses wont have all of them in full work and being shod all round.

yes indeed - I only have one of my 8 shod and the rest trimmed if they need it but tbh maybe once every 6 month or so.


Tough but Fair
17 January 2009
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I used to have 52 (had a stud farm and competition horses), would rather stick pins in my eyes than have more than 3 ever again. 3 done "properly" (stabled, clipped, rugged, groomed, excercised/schooled, etc.) is a full time job, 2 would be easier/more sensible, but we need 3 to cover the work we do. They don't get fussed over - they are not pets - but even when I had 52 they all got daily attention, had a staff then too, obviously.

mr fields

Well-Known Member
23 September 2011
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at the minuate i have 28 horses all in stables i am up half half 6 every morning getting all the jobs done. i have 8 competition horses, 6 broodmares all with foals at foot , 11 young stock and 3 stallions used for competing and covering and sometimes have more horses wen i get horses sent for breaking, schooling and mares for covering. i obviously have people workin for me as i couldnt manage this on my own with having all the horses to ride etc. all eight competition horses and 3 stallions get rode 6 days a week by myself, but if i have alot of horses sent by customers sometimes i will pay someone to ride my own while i get all the customers horses done properly wihtout having to rush breaking a 3 year old, all my horses and customers horses get rode 6 days a week. i am not generaly bak into the house till about 8-9 at night.


Well-Known Member
22 November 2005
I have 4 of my own and I look after another 6 polo ponies, during the winter it's easy, I've got one in work, him and another one stabled and the rest are out in a field having a winter holiday so they just need feed and cuddles each day. During the summer it's INTENSE! I work full time as a pub manager and I coach the pony club, also a bit of freelance grooming when it's available. It's tough but do'able


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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I dont know how anyone could afford to keep that many horses shod! I groan at the single £72 I have to pay every 5 weeks to keep my one horse's feet in good shape. Still, I guess, many who have that many horses wont have all of them in full work and being shod all round.

well all of our 9 are barefoot. Saves me a fortune on shoes. And I trim them all as well so their footcare is the odd tub of sudocrem at £3.6 :D


Well-Known Member
25 August 2006
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at the minuate i have 28 horses all in stables i am up half half 6 every morning getting all the jobs done. i have 8 competition horses, 6 broodmares all with foals at foot , 11 young stock and 3 stallions used for competing and covering and sometimes have more horses wen i get horses sent for breaking, schooling and mares for covering. i obviously have people workin for me as i couldnt manage this on my own with having all the horses to ride etc. all eight competition horses and 3 stallions get rode 6 days a week by myself, but if i have alot of horses sent by customers sometimes i will pay someone to ride my own while i get all the customers horses done properly wihtout having to rush breaking a 3 year old, all my horses and customers horses get rode 6 days a week. i am not generaly bak into the house till about 8-9 at night.

In your dreams maybe!!!


Well-Known Member
30 March 2004
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I have eight - and I am very happy, although everyone else thinks I'm mad :)

I usually get to the yard at 6.15, turn them all out (all 8 are in at night) and muck out, haynets etc so everything is ready for the evening. I work full time so leave the yard at 8.15am and go to work. Finish work around 5, back to the yard, everyone bought in.

I have 3 in full work (compete unaff most weekends) so will ride or lunge 2-3 most nights. 1 is semi retired and just hacks at the weekend. I have 2 x 2 year olds and 2 yearlings (NF crosses who I took on to save them going to market!)

It is hard work, but definitely do-able. I am lucky that I am not married or have kids so I can spend all my time with the horses. Usually get home around 8pm.


Horse servant
2 December 2010
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I have eight - and I am very happy, although everyone else thinks I'm mad :)

I usually get to the yard at 6.15, turn them all out (all 8 are in at night) and muck out, haynets etc so everything is ready for the evening. I work full time so leave the yard at 8.15am and go to work. Finish work around 5, back to the yard, everyone bought in.

I have 3 in full work (compete unaff most weekends) so will ride or lunge 2-3 most nights. 1 is semi retired and just hacks at the weekend. I have 2 x 2 year olds and 2 yearlings (NF crosses who I took on to save them going to market!)

It is hard work, but definitely do-able. I am lucky that I am not married or have kids so I can spend all my time with the horses. Usually get home around 8pm.

Flippin heck! That's dedication. :eek:


Well-Known Member
29 September 2003
We've got 11 at the moment, one in full work, 3 in light work, 1 retired, 2 mares, a yearling & a foal, plus 2 ponies for my children, the mares/ babies don't get any work & then I work 2
each day, one everyday & the others in rotation, although they're generally young/green so it's nothing intense at the moment!

I used to keep 3 pointers & a hunter in full work (with six in at night) before I had children (with a full time job,) so the current regime is very relaxed, most live out, but they have plenty of attention everyday!


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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By the end of summer 2010 I had reduced our numbers down from 14 to 3 and life was very easy. But, who wants an easy life? We have 8 here at the moment, the last 5 have come to me in need of help in one way or another, so on we go.

Winters are hard work, we're fairly exposed here, so all the horses were in all last winter and may be again this year. We have cattle and sheep, too, so all our daylight hours are spent outside. We're healthy, but knackered! :D