WHW Kitty - would like to contact new keeper


25 May 2009
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Hi All. One week before Christmas and I am hoping somebody can help me with the best CHristmas present I could get.

3 months ago I moved out to Australia with work. Before I left I had to return Kitty to the World Horse Welfare. Kitty is a 17.2 hand 12 year old Shire X mare with 2 hind socks and a star. I got her on loan from then ILPH 10 year ago as a 2 year old. I back her and broke her in myself and then enjoyed every second with her. We hunted together with the Coakham Bloodhounds and did a bit of everything.

The saddest part of moving for me was having to return her back to Glenda Spoon Farm in Somerset. Unfortunatly the WHW cant tell me who she has gone on to and wont pass my details on the new loaner.

Somebody out there has just taken on this wonderful horse. I helped make her what she is today and donated all her tack (except saddle) All I want to know is where she has gone to and know she is well and happy and would LOVE to be able to stay in touch with her new loaner.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, If you know of anybody who has just got a new horse that matches this description. please let me know.

Many Thanks!
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1 April 2002
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I think if you start a new post with the heading "WHW Kitty - would like to contact new keeper!" and put it in NL, here, Soapbox, and Lost/Stolen, you might have more luck, lots more people will read it and word will get around more.
Hope you manage to find her. Seems very odd that WHW won't pass your details on, for the horse's sake really, you'll know more about her habits and preferences than they ever could.
Good luck with your search, and lucky you being out in Oz at the moment!


25 May 2009
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Thank you very much for your reply. I will try that. Last time I placed in in multiple thread pages I got a warning! Somebody must know where she is.


Well-Known Member
4 April 2009
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I understand fully why the WHW can't and won't pass details on. It's their policy for the sake of the new loaners. OP I am about to be in the same predicament as you. I have had a shetland pony for 11 years from their Aboyne centre, who was a companion for my mare. Heartbreakingly my mare was PTS in June this year and I couldn't bear to say goodbye to the shet too. Much to my OH's disgust I took another WHW shet on loan as a companion to the other shet (yeah yeah I know how daft it sounds, but just couldn't bear anymore heartache after losing my horse who I'd had for 28 years, and my dog dying 9 days before she did). But now I'm really struggling. I had to move them to another farm when we moved house and the farm road ha been impassable for nearly a month now. The grazing is desperately limited, which is fine for the summer, but I do like them to have grass in the winter (when the snow allows). Circumstances at home have changed too and I really think the best thing for the ponies would be to send them back and give them a chance to be rehomed to someone who can give them a better home. I absolutely adore them, especially the one I've had for so long. He's so used to me he doesn't like going to other people. I have cried SO many tears at the thought of saying a final goodbye to him, as I am fully aware of their privacy policies. It's heartbreaking.

However, when I took him out on loan I don't think I would have appreciated a previous loaner constantly wanting to see him. That sounds harsh, and I would NOT have minded anyone keeping in touch, coming to see him, but I bought a pony about 25 years ago and the previous owners came out nearly daily telling me what to do/not to do, and generally being a pain for MONTHS until I had to tell them to back off. Most people aren't like that but you do get the annoying ones.

I do hope you find some info on Kitty, and totally understand the heartache you're going through. I really feel for you.


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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I can't help, sorry, but how bloody frustrating and totally stupid not being put in touch with her new people. Dear God in heaven. I am only too happy to speak to my loaner and loanee, owners of horses past and present and can't understand the problem. I don't interfere with, yet remain friendly and always available to the people who have my pony on loan and simply don't get the pestering thing at all. I wish I had Kitty so I could put your mind at rest - and pester YOU for details of all the fun times you shared together! All the very best in your search x


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13 January 2009
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I can't believe WHW how ridiculous!! Why not write a letter to her new owners with your contact details leaving it up to them if they would like to get in touch and ask WHW to pass it on. If the new owners don't want to get in touch then fair enough and WHW still won't have given out their contact information. Farmkey use to do a similar thing when tracing horses through their freezemark.


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19 May 2009
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Puzzled I think thats the point she tried to do that and they wouldnt let her.

I'm in two minds. Half of me would be absolutely gutted if it was my Puz, but then I DO understand why they wont. xxxx


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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What, exactly, is cblair going to do from half way round the world? WHW could give the new people the contact details for cblair and the new people could, in turn,send her anything they feel - and they don't need to disclose their own address either, if they don't want to! It's privacy beyond ridiculous.


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20 November 2006
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I replied on another thread about Kitty, but to repeat here, this must be a new policy of WHW I suspect, or else the new loaners have particularly asked that their details are not passed on. I have had 2 WHW ponies, with the first one I was asked if it was alright to give my details to the previous owner, I said yes but they never actually contacted me. With the second pony not only did her previous owners keep in regular contact, but also the people who had her before them.
I really hope you do manage to make contact with Kitty, although at least you know she will be looked after and checked on regularly.


25 May 2009
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Thanks Brightinsel but yes thats what I am trying to do, ask for my details to be passed on but they wont and yes I can see how the occasional person may not want this and hence they created this daft policy. Your right from Australia what am I going to do?? Not turn up at their door. All I want is to hear the occasional progress report, see some pictures, know she is fit and well and love. I had her for 10 of her 12 year life and can share so much with the new loaners, history, pictures etc, Things the WHW didnt pass on even though I created a whole file for them. They didnt even use any of this info in the add they did for her on their site.

I have written to the CEO next step is a letter in the H&H letters section failing that as ad. I wont give up. I cant believe the new loaners dont want any contact. I am not a stalker!

If you are in support of this. I ask that you joing the 'wheres Kitty' face book group and forward tot he group on to anybody you know with horses. She is probably still int he somerset area, Thansk


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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Just keep on trying. WHW need a form with a 'please tick this box if you DO NOT want contact with previous/future loan homes' type of thing - or at least they could act as intermediaries.

ETS I can't find the group on FB? And she may well still be ILPH Kitty?
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8 January 2011
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I have had a WHW horse for the last 2 years and am personally very glad that they have this policy as I would opt to not be in contact with a previous loaner if the option was given. I can see where you are coming from and I would hate to have to give up my horse but surely you have to accept their policy and realise that maybe the new loaner wouldn't want to be in touch even if the choice was there?
I am sure they will have selected the best home for her and know that they will make sure she is well cared for.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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Cblair, I think you may need to take a step back from this and try and get an understanding of what you want to gain.

You have just said that all you want is photos AND progress reports AND to be able to tell them all the things that you know about her. I don't want to be horrid (or have vrighteyes yell at me) but i would be ignoring you if I were kitty's new owner!! That's ALOT to want. Unfortunately you're not her owner and I would feel extremely pressured by this whole situation.

WHW are an amazing charity who you can be so sure have placed her in a loving and caring home. I think you might benefit from putting some of your energies into moving on. Maybe.

Nobody yell at me, I'm allowed an opinion.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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I totally agree with you Flamehead that WHW are amazing, and that Kitty will be in a great home now. However I don't really understand your other points. As stated in my earlier post I have had 2 WHW ponies, I was in contact with their previous owners (not loaners admittedly but the people who actually gifted the ponies), and exchanged photos, updates etc as cblair is requesting.
It would seem that WHW has changed their policy which would make me think twice about having another pony from them, I always found it reassuring that if I couldn't keep a pony I would at least know its future if it was a WHW pony, it seems maybe that isn't the case any more.:(


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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Maybe they don't want to share photos or be told what to do with their pony? What I meant was even if they have seen this I would probably still be ignoring it. People can be funny and maybe they just don't want the commitment or the hassle. Or maybe there just horrid. But what I mean is that your energy should be put in to moving on.


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5 September 2009
North Dorset
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I am in a similar position to OP. I loaned a pony from the mare and foal sanctuary, and only had to give her back because she was so scared of heavy plant machinary (farm is home to a contracting business) and it was unsafe to use her as a childs pony due to this. She is so much missed. I have asked a few times to pass on my details to the new loanees, just so I can get in touch and have fun 'talking' about her silly ways! I am not sure if they have passed on info, or the new loanees have declined my offer, as it stands, I have not made contact, and seemingly it won't happen sadly. I see nothing wrong and I personally think that if new loaners don't want to make contact then they are losing out. Even if it is just once, its not asking for a myrical (sp) is it?
I wish you all the best with tracing Kitty, she looks and sounds like a fab mare.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2006
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Maybe they don't want to share photos or be told what to do with their pony? What I meant was even if they have seen this I would probably still be ignoring it. People can be funny and maybe they just don't want the commitment or the hassle. Or maybe there just horrid. But what I mean is that your energy should be put in to moving on.

Yes I realise what you were saying and that if you were Kittys new loaner you would be ignoring cblair. I was just putting another point of view as a loaner, that I welcomed and enjoyed being in contact with previous owners.


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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flamehead the remark was aimed at kkjames. I disagree that an occasional picture and update is anything like 'a lot' (two words, not one) and anyone with half a brain would know that any info on habits and idiosyncrasies, which might reveal themselves at inopportune moments, can mean the difference between a disaster and plain sailing.

Lord save me from the ridiculously possessive and the secret squirrels - I bet you 'panic buy' at the shops if there's a hint of a frost and share nothing.

cblair you are welcome. You don't sound like a stalking nutter to me and far better folks like you than those who pass horses on like old clothes, not giving a damn.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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Brighteyes, you are extremely, EXTREMELY rude. What a horrid person.

Firstly, my spelling on here is poor as I'm mostly typing on my iphone which I cannot, for love nor money, get to type what I actually want it to. It is NONE of your business whether I spell perfectly or horrifically, who do you think you are telling people they're spelling or grammar is wrong? Quick, I noticed earlier that my phone missed our the y so I wrote there instead of they're - go find it and comment!!!

I personally (read that: personally. That means a PERSONAL opinion) believe that perhaps, if I were Kitty's new keeper, that if I read this post, I might be inclined not to get in touch. That does not mean there is no hope, or that cblair is wrong. What I mean is that perhaps it would be best if cblair puts her energy into moving forwards, and not dwelling on this. WHW will have damn good reasons for a change in policy, and rather than ignoring them and assuming they're stupid, maybe you should think about who they're trying to protect.

Bloody hell, I can't get over how rude you are. I don't panic buy, seeing as my OH is a manager at Waitrose so we'd be pretty set! But I am suprised that you could be so arrogant to think that you can pass judgement on anyone and everyone, even those who do panic buy. Because, like you say in your post, perhaps THEY think it could mean the difference between a disaster and plain sailing.

Man alive.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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I just wanted to say that I was personally involved with Kitty on the day she was brought in to Cherry tree farm. During her first few weeks she was incredibly poor, very grumpy and in a lot of pain. We werent sure that she would make the week.

To be contacted with by CB (she traced me through an old post) and see the pictures of the horse that she has become bought a tear to my eye- she really was one of the worst rescue cases we had in when I worked there. If I knew how to post (not using photo bucket as it doesnt like my PC) I would. Anyhow, I really hope that she can trace the new owners - even just to say hi. From another point of view, I want to find out more about my mare, but the breeders cant remember a thing about her which is rather sad!

I really do hope there is a happy ending for all involved- I agree with one of the above posters- I would love to tell all the people who have taken on horses from the then ILPH some of their history as it can help people overcome some problems they may have had.

Lets face it, most the of the horses from rescue centres certainly havent had the easiest starts in life. Stuff whether the new owner 'likes' it or not- its about the horse and information can only help them surely.... Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
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CB just a thought, have you tried contacting Ted Barnes- he bought her in. I know it could put him in an awkward position, but its worth a go..... He stated in a H&H article that Kitty was one of the ones he would always remember....