WHW Kitty - would like to contact new keeper


Well-Known Member
13 November 2009
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Personally I am very saddened by this thread, the strict enforcement of these rules, when a previous loaner has had a horse for 10 years, has to hand it back and then is not even given the opportunity to pass their details to a new loaner seem very sad and bizarre, it certainly puts me off loaning a horse from WHW however good and caring they may be. To me it only makes sense to find out the history of a horse and what it has been doing, I would love to have found out the history of some of the older horses I have bought in the past.


Well-Known Member
13 June 2009
I'm so sorry C you haven't managed to get in contact with Kitty's new loaner. I have no suggestions but thought I'd post as we do all have our fingers crossed that you managed to trace her. Don't give up hope as I'm sure you'll get there, one day.

Wish you the best of luck. Hope you are enjoying Oz and your new horse!


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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flamehead The panic-buying comment was not aimed at you - again, taking offence where none was intended, unless you are ridiculously possessive or a secret squirrel...

I personally think anyone who would learn of a previous owner's genuine sadness and regret that they had to part with a beloved horse (which they had sunk hours of love into caring for) and STILL withold a few words of comfort and reassurance are the horrible ones!


Well-Known Member
19 December 2004
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I can understand them not passing on the loaner's details to you but to not pass your details to them and put the ball in their court is mental. Kitty is obviously a fabulous "poster child" for the WHW and you have played a big part in that. A stable home for 10 years...I know if I had taken her on I would be biting your hand off for info. A letter to h&h might be a good idea. Don'tcriticise anyone but say something alog the lines of due to policy you have to publicly look for her, you only wnat to know she's settling in to her new home and would be happy to share any little details re her personality etc. Perhaps you could even set up a "kitty" email address so that initially there is no "personal" contact so to speak.


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13 July 2005
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I really do not understand those who say they would not want contact with someone who has loved and nurtured a horse for 10 years....really strikes me as odd!

I have a pony on loan from a rescue, and was recently contacted by the previous loaner, who'd seen stuff I'd put on youtube. I was delighted to hear from him & we have been comparing notes on naughty behaviour etc. It's been helpful as well as interesting.

OP, I do hope you hear something.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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I've got a Blue Cross horse, not long after I got her home they forwarded a letter which her previous owner (the person who'd signed her over to them, she wasn't a welfare case the owner simply couldn't keep her anymore) had written.
It was addressed "Dear Friend", thanked me for giving her a chance & told me a bit about her; it had a name & part of her address on the letter so I tracked down her details (thanks to the internet) & wrote back, offering to let her visit. She rang me & was thrilled to hear from me, I've had the horse for 2 years & she's been out to see her twice, she told me that having contact with me had put her mind at rest.
I didn't think of listening to the person who knew her best as being told what to do with my pony, as a previous poster suggested. I made contact because it seemed a nice thing to do for somebody who'd loved & cared for my horse for 10 years. If she'd wanted a lot of contact I would have put a stop to it but 3 phone calls & 2 visits in 2 years isn't exactly a hardship.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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Just had a thought. Cblair, do you know if they shared your information pack with the new home? They may well have told the new carers everything when they met her. I know that when we went to visit Puzzle (before we went again to pick her up), they told us then about all her quirks etc? So they may already know all your information?


13 August 2006
Well north of Watford
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I've got a Blue Cross horse, not long after I got her home they forwarded a letter which her previous owner (the person who'd signed her over to them, she wasn't a welfare case the owner simply couldn't keep her anymore) had written.
It was addressed "Dear Friend", thanked me for giving her a chance & told me a bit about her; it had a name & part of her address on the letter so I tracked down her details (thanks to the internet) & wrote back, offering to let her visit. She rang me & was thrilled to hear from me, I've had the horse for 2 years & she's been out to see her twice, she told me that having contact with me had put her mind at rest.
I didn't think of listening to the person who knew her best as being told what to do with my pony, as a previous poster suggested. I made contact because it seemed a nice thing to do for somebody who'd loved & cared for my horse for 10 years. If she'd wanted a lot of contact I would have put a stop to it but 3 phone calls & 2 visits in 2 years isn't exactly a hardship.

:) How it can and should be. Lovely story and thanks for sharing. I'm sure it's a 'mind at rest' thing here, and shame on WHW for not even offering to act as go-betweens and expecting or assuming a handover means a loss of interest or concern or love. It completely baffles me...

I really am interested in why they have taken this stance. Maybe WHW will enlighten us!


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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Thanks brighteyes

I don't understand why anybody would have a problem with contact from a previous loaner, my horse had belonged to an older lady who couldn't cope with her any more,she sent her to the Blue Cross as she wanted to be sure that she had a safe future.

She loved her very much, when I read her letter it bought a tear to my eye, so it seemed like the right thing to do.

I hope the op finds her old mare.


Well-Known Member
4 April 2009
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I have had a WHW horse for the last 2 years and am personally very glad that they have this policy as I would opt to not be in contact with a previous loaner if the option was given. I can see where you are coming from and I would hate to have to give up my horse but surely you have to accept their policy and realise that maybe the new loaner wouldn't want to be in touch even if the choice was there?
I am sure they will have selected the best home for her and know that they will make sure she is well cared for.

Easier said than done I think. Wait til you've had your loan horse for 10 years and see if you still feel the same way. This is exactly the reason I decided NOT to return my loan pony after my mare died. I just couldn't bear never seeing him again and not knowing where he was and how he was doing. I know they are careful where they go, but it doesn't make the heartache any less.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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This is why I got in touch with my horse's old owner, I put myself in her position & thought how I'd feel if I had to give up a much loved horse, because I was unable to care for her (she was an older lady who'd had a stoke)
She knew that they would do their best to find her a good home but she felt a lot better after seeing her in her new home, it didn't take a lot of effort on my part to show somebody a bit of compassion.


Well-Known Member
17 September 2007
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What a cracking mare she became, well done to you both!

I hope you have some luck in gaining some information about her new owners, even if it's just a couple of email updates a year, or for them to ask you a question about a quirk that she may have that they cant get to the bottom of!!.

Good luck.


25 May 2009
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Thank you all for your support I am still trying and have sent a letter to H&H a few weeks and ago and hope it appears in the Letters to Editor page. If not then I a going to pay for an ad to go in and try that way. You cant imagine how much I miss her. More than any of my family and friends who I can phone, e-mail and facebook. It makes me so sad.


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20 October 2010
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Wow what an amazing transformation-I bet you're so proud of the horse that you transformed and I can understand your heartache wanting to know where she is and the type of people who are looking after her. I'm trying to trace the past owner of my horse as I would like them to know that he is being looked after and in a kind and loving home-please see my thread http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=430841
I agree with the suggestion that there should be an 'opt in' 'opt out' box for passing on contact details to previous 'adopters' as it would then give people the choice rather than having a blanket ban policy as a result of Data Protection legislation. I really hope that you find the information that you seek.
I would also like to add that it's a shame that your thread has resulted in some very personal swipes and nastiness between contributors-Why do people have to be so nasty to one other? It makes me wonder if they treat their animals in the same way.....
Best of Luck.......:)


Well-Known Member
13 October 2009
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Cblair - not sure if I missed this on the thread, but have you set up a facebook group for this? it really does seem to work and if you stress it is not a witch hunt/interfere, it is just that you would love to hear how Kitty is getting on, share stories and photos etc - the stance taken on an earlier post that you should stress this is due to the charities change of policy and not a critisism of anyone.


25 May 2009
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Thank you all luci07 yes there is a facebook page called "wheres Kitty" please do join and forward. Its a picture of Kitty all plaited and ready to go hunting ;o)


25 May 2009
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Sadley not a year later and I still think about her everyday. I ahve one of her shoes coated in silver her farrier did for me and her picture on my workd desk. An amazing horse I miss very much


Well-Known Member
28 December 2010
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Wow... That's fantastic. Have you tried to PM Cblair just incase she doesn't spot your post?. Would be lovely if you could post a picture on here. I'm sure the OP will be overjoyed to know she is happy and well. What a lovely end to this post.


25 May 2009
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Oh Mrs Doubtfire! how wonderful. Would you mind terribly mailing me directly so I can send you pictures, files, articles and share our stories? I have sent you a PM with my email address or you can contact me via FB either my page or the "where's Kitty" page! Thank you!!