Why are horses never easy?


Well-Known Member
5 January 2008
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Yes several. Then I bought a WB. That's been an experience.

I was going to say the same, I’d always had Irish types that never caused a day of trouble/only saw the vet for annual jabs etc. I clearly decided life was boring if I wasn’t keeping the local vet afloat so bought a WB. First one we lost to a freak injury less than a year into owning, second required very specific management/maintenance but in hindsight was ironically the hardiest of the lot, current boys are both sick notes (I don’t think I’ve gone a month without a vet bill this year!). It’s safe to say my next will be an ISH as while there’s no guarantees with any horse, I’d like to at least try to stack the cards in my favour this time.


Well-Known Member
1 June 2021
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I know this is an old thread but it makes me feel very lucky with my old two. Always thought the TB was a lot of hassle, pulling shoes, swollen knees, going over her ankles, abscesses but in comparison that was all very manageable. Haffie was retired early but has never given me any problems since.
they cost me a fortune in feed now in their old age but had the vet out yesterday and she thought they were both doing very well for their age. seems like I’m very lucky to get them to old age!!

has anyone above had any more luck since they last posted on this thread?