Well-Known Member
So our new pony got very cold the other day in this ridiculous rain we've been having so I rushed off to buy her a Mark Todd Lite turnout rug, which stated it was of course waterproof as expected. The pony is Dartmoor with a very decent coat on her so I felt she didn't need any fill in the rug, just a waterproof shell. Put it on and within 6 hours it was soaked through. So peed off as it simply doesn't work! I know our rain has been bad but all my other rugs takes days to get in this state. Had to go back to the shop and in telling them this, the girl just said that only MW and HW's are properly waterproof but why is this?! I've had "light" rugs before but tended to only use them in summer showers on woosy horses. But surely there is a market for decently waterproof rugs for natives?! Ended up having to spend £80 on a medium weight for her which she doesn't need but thankfully is working at least.